It's Going Down

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Thana POV

We had made the smoke bombs and stopped at the apartment one last time to rest before the battle. But once that time passed we started to head over to Pirates Bay. We met up with the boys in the garage. They were just getting out of the limo with another person.

"Oh, Lonnie!" Evie exclaimed.

" I made them bring me." She told Mal and Evie.

" I so glad." Mal sighed. The Lonnie chick looked at me and Carla. Who was sleeping peacefully.

" Who's this?" she asked.

" I'm Thana, daughter of Hades." I shake her hand. " And this is Carla De Vil."

Carlos then comes and puts his arm around me. " Our daughter." He says. Lonnie just smiles and congratulated.

" Umm, Carlos!" Jay says standing at the trunk. Him and I walk over and in the trunk there was a dog.

" I told you to stay!" Carlos scolded the dog.

" I flunked obedience class." The dog spoke. THE DOG TALKS?! I look at Carlos all buggy-eyed.

" I was gonna take a truth gummy that was gonna help me express how much I need you to come Auradon, to Ben." He explains quickly. The dog turns to look at me.

" Ooh, is this the girl you're always talking about? Thana right?" It says to me.

" Um, yeah." I say to it. Carlos' face was a bit red, which I giggle at.

" Whose the kid?" it asks.

" That's Thana and I's daughter, Carla." Carlos says.

" Wow, can't believe Carlos had that in him." Jay and I got a great laugh out of it, we were almost in hysterics . Carlos just got even redder and rolled his eyes.

" You're lucky I love you, Dude." Carlos says and takes him out of the trunk. We then walk back to the other girls. Carlos had the wand in hand and Jay had a bunch of swords just in case.

" Here let me see." Mal said, and Carlos handed her the fake wand. " Wow, what a beauty."

I look at my watch to see it is noon. " Guys it's noon." We all start to walk before they all stop me. "What?"

" You aren't going." Mal said. I gave her a confused look. " You need to stay and watch Carla."

" Yeah we shouldn't bring her to Pirates Bay." Carlos added.

" Um, yeah your right." I say knocking into common sense. " I don't know what I was thinking." I walk up to Carlos and place a hand on his cheek. " Please be careful."

" I will." He gives me a kiss and then turns to leave with the rest of the group. I watch them until they exit the tunnel. I then turn and walk to the limo. I open the door to check it out. It was quite luxurious. It was all black other than the gold details.

I place Carla in there and make sure her carrier was secure to the seat. I was about to get in with her before I was pulled back. " Look who is out and about again." I look to see it was Anthony Tremaine, Anastasia Tremaine's son. " Haven't seen you in a few months. I've dreaming about kicking your ass."

" Oh really, I haven't even given you a thought." I say to him. He then pushes me against the limo. I turn to see it was him and his gang of random people of the Isle. " You'll never be able to kick my ass."

" Why is that?" He says laughing, his posse laughed along.

" Because I'm gonna beat yours first." I then punch him in the face breaking his nose. One of his goons then came at me raising his arm to punch me. I caught it and used it to flip him over on to his back. A second one came at me, I grab his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach. Then as he bent over I kneed him in the head knocking him out. Then the last one came at me and tackled me to the ground. I flipped us over and grabbed his collar and pulled him to meet my face. " Has anyone told you not to hit a girl."

I then punched him knocking him out and then standing up. I look around to see the goon all lying on the ground either in pain or just knocked out, but no Anthony. Then someone came up behind me placing a switchblade under my throat. " You might have been about to beat them but not me."

" Oh really." I then kick him in the crotch, to loosen his grip, and then flipped him over my shoulder on to the concrete. Then he just laid there groaning in pain. I chuckle celebrating my win. " Still got it."

I look back at the tunnel to see everyone staring in shock at me. " Damn right you do." Carlos says. " Where's Carla?" He said getting worried.

" Don't worry she in the limo. Go check on her, I'll have Jay help me move them." He nods and getting the vehicle.

" Jay! Help me move them." He nods and helps me move them out of our way. We place the three goons in a pile of trash while we throw Anthony into garbage bin. We chuckle at him groaning in pain. I then hop in the limo moving to sit on the other side of Carla. She was playing with Carlos, laughing.

Once we were off we were all sitting there in awkward silence and all you could hear was Carla cooing. Which wasn't too bad it lightened the mood a bit. " I'm sorry things didn't go the way you wanted them too." Ben said to Mal. Mal just looked at him hurt.

" I mean. As long as you're safe, that's..." Mal said trying to come up with words while bein gout of breath.

" I mean, at least I got to see the Isle. They're my people, too. Uma helped me see that." We all turned to him in disbelief.

" Ben, Uma captured you." Mal says starting to get mad.

" She's an angry girl with a bad plan." We were just lookin gave him confused. I don't know him personally but what is wrong with him? " That's not so different from you when you came to Auradon, Mal."

" Awkward" Dude says breaking the silence.

" Dude we know you can talk, but it doesn't always mean you should." Carlos says petting him. Ben then turns to me.

" Um Hi I'm Ben, you must be Thana. Carlos talks a lot about you." Ben says shaking my hand.

" Uh yeah, that's me." I say awkwardly.

" Who's that?" Ben says softly point at Carla.

" Oh um this is Carla De Vil." I slightly turn the carrier.

" Really I never got word of her birth." We looked at him confused. " We keep records of births from Auradon and Isle."

" Oh um didn't exactly have her in a hospital. I had it their parents place. It was better because I'm not a favorite among the people of the Isle." I say chuckling nervously. " I didn't want people to use her against me. The only person who knew was Harry, who I presume told Uma's crew. He found it out himself when I was walking in the market place and he saw the baby bump. I was about 5 months at the time." They all nod, I looked out the window to see us approaching the barrier.

" Here we go." Jay said pressing some button that opened the barrier and started to create a golden bridge connecting the Isle and Auradon. I stared at it in awe of how beautiful it was. I look over at Carlos to see he was staring at me. We chuckled when we made eye contact. Once we got over the bridge we hit a bump that Carla did not like. She then started crying and everyone's heads, except Jay who just looked in the rear view mirror, snapped our direction.

" Hey no, no, no. It's okay." I pick up into my arms. I knew the only way to calm her down was to sing. I started to get nervous because the only Carlos and Mal have heard me. But I take a deep breath and do what I've got to do.

" How does a moment last forever?
How does a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, our time and place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will

Minutes turn to hours, days to years then gone
But when all else has been forgotten
Still our song lives on" I finish see she has calmed down and was playing with my hand. I smile seeing I was successful, I get a small applause. Carlos then put her carrier on the floor and scoots closer putting an arm around me.

I then hear a camera snap, we look up to see it was Evie taking a photo of us. " What? It was too cute not to take a picture of." We just chuckle at her. We then arrive at Aurdon and get out of the limo.

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