Retrieving the Ember.

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Thana POV

I was on the back of Carlos' motorcycle with Carla in a carrier against my chest. We rode up to the small cliff that looked out to the aisle. " Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." Mal said enchanting all of the bikes.

" Ready?" Carlos whispers to me.

" Yeah," I say tightening my hold around his waist. He then rode the bike right over the edge and onto the water. I made sure Carla was even more secure than she already was, holding her tightly between me and Carlos. When we went through the barrier we jolted back a bit, Carla was shockingly fine with it. she usually doesn't like sudden movement.

We rode through the Isle until we reached Dr. Facilier's VooDoo Arcade. We all got off the bikes and Mal exclaims, " Hey. I'm me again."

" Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here." Celia said. " Kind of the point."

" Welcome back." Evie says throwing her arm over Mal's shoulder. We then all followed Celia down the alley to the entrance of the Arcade. She did a rhythmic knock on the door, another one was heard from the other side, she did one last knock and then the door opened.

We followed her through a hallway until we entered the arcade. When Dr. Facilier saw Celia he immediately ran over and hugged her. They even did their little father daughter dance/handshake. When he saw me he smiled, " Thana!"

" Dr. Facilier." I say going down to him, giving him a side hug.

" How have you been doin'?" He asked.

" I've been doing great. Busy but great." I say gesturing to Carla. He then bent down to Carla's height.

" I have heard a lot about, it's nice to meet you." He said to her holding his hand out to her. She looked at his hand then to me, I nod letting her know it is okay. She then goes right ahead and gives him a high five. Facilier then did a small spin making Carla giggle. " You're a happy one, aren't ya?"

" Yes, she is." I smile. I then let Facilier talk with Celia alone. I walk over to Carlos who put a coin into the TV turning it on. The screen goes from static to the Auradon news station. " Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon." A reporter says.

" Uh. Guys." I say catching the others attention.

" Come look at this." Carlos says, they then all join us looking at the TV

" There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil." The reporter said, he then brought his hand to his ear listening to something through a com. " We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way!"

" We gotta go." Mal says sternly. We all nod and get up out of our seats. We let  Celia say bye to her Dad then leaving the arcade.

Walking out the door, we saw a sight we didn't want to see." Wow! Rookie mistake?" Carlos say, I sigh annoyed. Hook and his crew were on our bikes.

" Long time nay see." Harry says, then one by one they started to ride off.

" Get off my bike, Hook." Jay yelled running towards them.

" Catch me if you can, Jay." Harry teases then riding off.

" Over the roofs cut them off." Jay says, Carlos and Evie immediately agree and run off trying to catch hook. Celia was about to go with them but Mal and I stopped her.

" Hey, hey, hey, hey, not you." Mal says. " They got this. The three of us gotta go find the ember."

" Good timing. It's right about his nap time." Celia says. Mal then followed Celia and I to the entrance of his cave. Celia was starting to open the gate, but Mal stopped her.

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