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Thana POV

Carlos was staring at me in shock. This made me feel bad, I should have told him. He look at Carla and back at me. " C-can I hold her?" He asked me.

" Of course!" I say. I carefully put her in Carlos' arms. He holds her with one arm while she is holding one of his finger from his other hand.

" How old is she?" He asks smiling down at her. I am so happy he isn't mad. I don't know what I would do if he was mad about this.

" A month." I say walking over to the couch. I heard Carlos follow behind me slowly. I sit and Carlos sit next to me carefully.

" Really?" Jay asks. Evie and Mal then knock him on the back of his head. " Ow!"

" Yeah, I should know." I laugh at bit remembering the 4ish hours of labor I went through. Got lucky but still hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it. I look back to Carlos to see him looking at her with loving eyes. I smile knowing that he is going to be a good father to her. I lean my head on his shoulder and he puts his head on mine.

" OH, I almost forgot!" Evie says running over to a box on the table. " This is for you!"

She hands me the box and I carefully open it to see dozens of baby clothes and a few toys. " Aw thank you Evie. She need new things, she can't wear Carlos' old stuff forever."

" Wait this is my stuff?" Carlos asks. " Where'd you get it?"

" Yeah I got it from your mother. She was surprisingly supportive. She didn't go all De Vil on me." me and Carlos let out a small laugh. " Basically anything that is meant for a baby in here, was once yours."

" Wow I'm surprised she kept it." Carlos says. Carla started to fuss a bit.

" Looks like it is time for a bottle." I take her out of Carlos' arms and bring her into the kitchen. I pick up the bottle I made for her and I see Carlos standing in the door way.

" Why didn't you tell me?" He asks with a slightly sad expression on his face.

"I didn't want to stop you from going Auradon and living your best life." I say gently putting the bottle in Carla's mouth. Carlos walked closer until he was in front of me.

" I wouldn't be living my best life if you weren't in it." He says putting a hand on my cheek. I tear rolls down my cheek but Carlos wipes it away before it could hit the floor. I lean into his hand and he pulls me into a gentle hug because Carla was between us.

" Awww that was so cute." Evie say at door way with Mal and Jay behind her. They were watching our whole conversation, weirdos. We all laugh and walk back to the living room.

" So what are you guys doing here?" I ask.

" We were here to bring Mal and you back to Auradon but now we have a bigger problem on our hands." Jay says.

" What is it?" I ask.

" Ben has been captured" Mal says starting to pace. " If you guys never would have brought him here, none of this would have happened. What were you thinking?"

" He was gonna come with or without us. We just wanted to protect him." Evie says trying to defend herself, Carlos, and Jay.

" Yeah, and we completely blew it." Carlos says stressing out a bit. I rub his back for some sort of comfort.

" Okay! Okay, so what are we gonna do?" Jay asks. I'm just sitting on the couch clueless because honestly, who's Ben? I never payed attention to anything about Auradon because I just got mad.

" We are not doing anything." Mal says walking closer. " This is between Uma and me, and she's a punk. And guess what, now I have to go get him." Mal started to get ready to leave.

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