Crown and Scepter

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Carlos POV

I was holding Thana close to my side but then all her weight was on me, she fell to the ground unconscious. I came down and held her in my lap, " Thana? Thana? Thana!" I yell frantically.

" Bippity-Bobbity!" FG exclaimed she then looked around worried. " Medic! Medic!" She over to the ambulance that they probably called when they saw what happened.

Medics quickly ran over and lifted Thana onto the gurney. They rolled her over and into the ambulance. One of the EMTs turns to us, " One of you can come with her."

I quickly looked back to the group. " Go, we can handle Carla." Evie said.

" We'll meet you there." Ben said.

" T-thanks." I stuttered, I quickly then hopped into the ambulance taking the free seat next to Thana. They slammed the door shut and we were off. They were keeping up with her vitals on the way to the hospital. She had slow breathing and a slow heart rate which made me worry even more.

When we got there I held on to her hand as long as I could, until they had to force me back. I fought them for a few minutes trying to get past the nurses, I was then pulled back and I fought who ever that was. " Carlos! Carlos! Calm down!" Jay yelled.

I looked back to see the gang, minus Evie, and Ben. I took at deep breath calming myself down. " Evie's back with the kids and taking care of Carla." Mal says, I nod and slow walk over to the waiting area. I sat there with my head in my hands and tears streaming down my face. I can't lose her, I need her to help me take care of Carla, hell, I need her to live.

Ben and Mal talked to nurses there and then came back to us. " They will let us know when we can see her. She is just getting scans to see what is going on with her and what they can do." Ben said, I look up and nod. We all sat in the waiting room quietly, waiting for some nurse to talk to us.


We sat for an hour maybe two, waiting for something. Something to tell us Thana will be okay. Then a nurse walked up to us with a clipboard in hand, we all stood up eagerly wanting to know what she has to say. " Thana is okay. She is just passed out from exhaustion. She should wake up in a few hours." The nurse says.

" Um, uh, she was pregnant with, uh, twins. Anything on them?" I ask.

" They are perfectly fine. During the blast she used part of her magic to protect them." The nurse said, I let out a slight breath of relief.

" Can we see her?" Jay asks.

" Yes, go down the hall, first right and two doors to the left." She says. I quickly thank the nurse and speed down to her room. I open the door and see her hooked up to the machine and with a IV drip.

I sigh and walk in pulling a chair up next to her. I grab her hand and lightly kiss her knuckles. " She's gonna be okay, man. She'll wake up in a matter of hours." Jay said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nod and look back to Thana. I don't know how long I was sitting there, I just knew I couldn't leave her and I had to be there when she woke up. The others stuck around for as long as they could until they had to check on Evie, the kids, and Carla.

I really want to go with them and see Carla but have to say. The other left about 2 hours ago, the last time I checked the clock it was 10:30. I was holding Thana's hand as she slept.

I was about to fall asleep myself, but I felt her hand move holding mine tighter. I looked up and saw her eyes start to open slowly, she immediately look to me. " Carlos? Where are we?" She asked looking around the room.

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