Telling People

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( Thana's POV)

I was pacing the apartment wondering how I was going to tell the gang and Carlos. How will he react? Dad was pretty positive about the new, so Carlos can be so far off. Right? My thoughts were interrupted when the gang came up the stairs.

" Hi guys." I say. I go hug Carlos and give a peck on his lips.

" Hey" they all say. Well except Carlos he says, " Hey baby". I chuckled about his words because I connect them to the news.

" Love, we have some news for you" Carlos says to me. By the sound of it it sound like bad news.

" What is it?" I say with concerning laced through my voice.

" Mal, Evie, Jay, and I have been chosen by the King to live in Auradon." I see tear well up in his eyes. " And our parents are making us go."

" Hey hey, it's okay." I wipe the tear that was falling down his face. " I'm okay with you going."

" But I'm not okay with this. I don't want to leave you here." A few more tears fall down his face.

" Listen you won't be leaving me behind. I'll always be with you, remember that. All of you." I turn to look at everyone. They all looked at me with guilt.

" But we are going to Auradon and you are staying in this awful place." Evie says coming up to me put a hand on my shoulder

" Yeah we want you to come with us" Mal says coming up behind Evie.

" I know but that's not how it works guys." Jay walks ups behind Carlos They all hug me and tears started streaming down my face. Then something didn't feel right. I push my self out of the hug and rush to the bathroom. There I puke my brains out. I feel Carlos come behind me and hold my hair back. When I'm done I fall back on to Carlos' chest.

" Now I'm definitely no going." Carlos says.

" No! You are going. All of you. I don't care if you come up with reasons to stay. They are nothing I can't take care of." I looked at all of them and they all walked away in defeat when I sit on the bathroom floor with Carlos. " And for you I will throw you that vehicle if I have too." I hear Carlos chuckle before I fall asleep in his arms.


I was standing in front of the gangs parent's house, waiting to say goodbye to them. I wish my dad had come but I'm not surprised, he usually never comes out of his cave thing. A few seconds later Evie comes out. She walks to me and engulfs me in a huge hug. " I'm gonna miss you so much."

" I'll miss you so much too, E" I give her a tight squeeze and then she get in the limo. Next out was Jay, he comes up to me and hugs me picking me up a bit. " Don't make too much trouble without me."

" How can I when all the trouble is staying here." He says, we share a laugh. He steals something on the hood of the car and then hops in the limo. Next out was Carlos, he ran out of the place and threw his stuff in the trunk and ran to me. He hugged me really tight and brought me into a passionate kiss.

" I love you." He says leaning his forehead on mine.

" I love you too" tear slides down my face.

" I'm going to come back for you okay?" I nod my head knowing if I said something I would burst out crying. We go in for one more kiss and he hops in the limo. I see him wipe off his tears before is was out of my view. Then out came Mal. Her hug was surprisingly the tightest.

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