The New Beast

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Thana POV

When we exited the castle we decided to split up. Mal, Uma, Evie, and Celia went to go check Audrey's dorm for clues of her whereabouts. Carla and I went with the boys to go look for Ben.

" Ben!" Carlos called out as we started to walk into the woods. " Dude!" He said calling him back.

We both squatted to his height, petting him. " Nothing?" I ask, he just shakes his head. Carla moved out of my grip and steadied herself, standing between my legs. She reached out and patted Dude on the head.

" Thanks kid." Dude said, Carla giggled a bit. My stomach twisted and I quickly passed Carla to Carlos. I teleport to behind a near by tree and puked up anything I had eaten today. Carlos came behind me holding my hair with his free hand.

I groaned and sat against the tree when I was done. Carlos pulled tissues out of his pocket and handed them the me. I muttered a thank you and wiped my mouth. I made that disappear into a nearby garbage bin and made a toothbrush and toothpaste appear. I then started brushing my teeth.

Dude then gasped dramatically making us all look at him. " I've figure out what's up with you! You're pregnant!" He said.

" Pregnant, again?" Harry laughed. "You two go at it like rabbits, don't ye?"

Carlos and I glared at him. I spit out the foam in my mouth, " We're not having this conversation you. Also, it's just none of your business." I then waved him off and stood up as the nausea started to fade.

" You okay?" Carlos whispered to me.

" Yeah, I'm okay." I say.

" These things just grow everywhere." Gil said picking berries of the nearby bush. " Hey, we should play that ice breaker." He said turning to Jay. " Um, Jay, I like the way that you can bounce around and jump off things. These are free, right?" He asked talking about the berries.

" Yeah, um" Jay then joined him by the berry bush. " I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush."

" I guess you've seen everything by now, huh? Furry rocks, giant fish." Gil listed. You're probably used to grabbing lunch off a bush."

" No. I mean, no, not really." Jay chuckled. " I mainly just used the vending machines at practice. You know, tourney, kind of eats up most of my time. So..."

I smiled seeing they were getting along nicely, but they were interrupted by Harry's maniac laughing. " Tourney? That's a wee boy's game."

" Hey, you know what would be fun?" Gil said ignoring Harry. " To go rafting on a jungle river."

" Find a lost civilization." Jay suggested.

" Oh, or maybe a penguin." Gil added.

" Oh, well, you'd find those more in like icebergs, but I'd love to see one of those." Jay said happily.

" You guys are killing me." Harry exclaimed annoyed. He then joined them by the berry bush and took one off for himself, he hummed satisfied by it's taste. " P.S. your mutt went that way." Harry said to Carlos and I.

" Carlos! Thana! This way!" Dude yelled, we all then follow Dude deeper into the forest.

" Ben!" Carlos tried calling out.

" Oh boy, something stinks." Dude groans. " And it wasn't me this time!"

A tall Beast then jumped out of the bushes loudly growling. It then turned to us and roared, we all jumped backwards. I put an arm over Carla and Carlos, keeping them behind me.

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