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Thana, the daughter of Hades, was in a gang that ran the Isle. The gang consisted of Jay ( Son of Jafar), Evie ( daughter of Evil Queen), Mal ( daughter of Maleficent), and most of all Carlos ( Son of Cruella De Vil). The  original group got together when they were all at the age of 5, when their parent decide to team up and try to find a way to break the barrier holding them on the Isle. For the next few years the gang ruled the isle, well the youth of the isle.

When they were 8 they met Thana, Mal admired her skills and her personality. She had join the gang and they continued to rule the Isle as descendants of the most feared villains. She got along with them great. With Mal they shared the same interest in pleasing their parents and together they discovered they were actually half sisters, that was interesting week. With Jay, they stole to together and challenged each other in races around the isle. With Evie they had bonded over fashion and beauty. With Carlos, they bonded over everything, they were like the exact same person in two different bodies. Of course there were  differences, like Carlo's fear of dogs and her love of them.

At the age of 10 they had "discovered" an empty apartment and made it their home. They all moved out of their parent's places and moved into that one apartment. They were living the life, well the best like you could live on the Isle. They were the most feared gang of Isle despite their age. They basically ran the Isle. Thana luckily gets along with each of the others parents well, so that wasn't a problem.

At the age of 13, Carlos and Thana had confessed their feeling for one another and eventually got together. Jay, Evie, and Mal were supportive of their choice of being together. Cruella and Hades were iffy at first but after a few months they learned to accept they young couples choice. Hades was protective of his daughter, but was a father suppose to do? Cruella treated her as if she was her own daughter, she sadly treated her better than she ever treated Carlos. But Carlos preferred that over his mother not liking her at all.

At 15, thing were stilling going smoothly with Carlos and Thana. They had gotten into heated arguments before but things resolved themselves. At this point they were inseparable nothing could break their relationship. They did basically did everything together, everything from petty thefts to robbing stores ( along with the rest of the gang). There was nowhere they would go without each other. Along with this year they became more attached each other in more then one way.

At 17 Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos were informed that they were chosen to live their life in Auradon. They were all chosen except Thana. The same day Thana had received some rather shocking news when she told her father she hadn't been feeling well for the past months, she was told she was pregnant. She wandered her way back to the apartment. She didn't know how to tell anyone, especially Carlos.

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