The Next Few Months

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Thana's POV

It has been a two days without Carlos and the gang, and days are already feeling longer. There is nothing to do. I have recently moved in with Cruella since she is taking care of me until I have the baby. Today we are moving in more of Carlos' baby things into the apartment. I'm currently at Cruella's place gathering some thing to bring to the apartment. " You ready Thana?" Cruella asks.

" As I'll every be." I give her a small smile. She handed me the two lightest boxes and she too the heaviest. We then march our way down to the apartment. Surprisingly no one tried to rob us. When we make it there I put the boxes down with a large sigh.

" You okay there?" Cruella says looking at me.

" Yeah just a little out of breath." I let out a light chuckle. " I don't think I can do this." I say out of the blue.

" What do you mean darling?" Cruella comes and gives me a comforting side hug.

" I mean I'm 17, I hardly know anything about the real world. I know almost nothing about taking care of a baby." I lean into her.

" You wanna know what I think?" Cruella says, I nod. " Yes you are young and fairly new to this world but I think you are gonna be the best mother to this baby."

" You really think that?"

" Of course." She gives me one last squeeze and lets me go. " I think we should start unpacking later and we should go back and relax at my place."

" I like that idea." We then walk to her place enjoying the rest of the day.

* One Week Later*

It has been a week since the gang left. I've been beyond bored when Cruella isn't around. I've had to run to the bathroom quite a bit to throw up, but it's morning sickness. What can you do? Lately I've noticed you could see my baby bump. It makes me so happy to see that the baby is growing. But today is an amazing day. I get to see Carlos today. Well not in person but over a video call. I was in the living room waiting for the call to begin. I hear them all starting to squabble about why they can't see or can't hear. I get a laugh out of their troubles. I stand up and go off to the side where I am out of view of the camera. Then all of a sudden I see the screen light up.

" Evie, it's Mommy. Look how beautiful. You know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree." EQ said.

" Don't mean the weeds?" Maleficent said, sounding irritated.

" Who's the old bat?" Cruella said talking about the lady whom is front and center in screen, I chuckle at her words.

" This is Fairy Godmother." Mal said.

" Still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent said. We all chuckled at her words.

" I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage!" Fairy Godmother said, raising her voice.

" You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1:00a.m. ? I mean really? What, the hamters had to be back on their little wheels?" We all laughed at Maleficent's commentary.

" They were mice! They were not... They were mice, they were not." Fairy godmother said. Mal whispered her thank you and guided her off the screen.

" Hi, mom" Mal said walking closer.

" Mal!" Maleficent gasped. " I m-m-m-miss you." She stuttered.

" You children are never far from our thoughts." Jafar said.

" How long must Mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent said.

" There's a big coronation coming up. I think probably some time after that." Mal said.

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