Chapter 3 | Perfect bride

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The castle is absolutely stunning. Way more elegant than Mount Fearsey, sadly, I must admit that.

Even though I've been at The Ridge my entire life, I am not fond of the cold. The soft breeze and bright sun are exactly what I love. The sunlight shines through the windows into the castle. Illuminating the corridors and highlighting the small details you normally wouldn't notice.

Like the tiny cracks in the walls or the few bullet holes from previous gunshots.

The handrails are covered by stunning flowers wrapping around them. Almost like a snake surrounding its prey. The ceiling has all kinds of illustrations portrayed. Each frame tells a different tale. They're old and some colors are fading away, making the sharp colors seem more pastel.

I am so immersed in the paintings that I didn't notice the set of eyes watching me. The eyes belong to the blond man. The fraud's advisor, his right-hand man.

We are in the middle of a tour and he is the guide. Laurent has shown me the entire left wing and we were about to move onto the right.

The left wing was glamorous. The ballroom, dining room, and conference room are situated there. I'll probably spend most of my time there.

The right wing is just as elegant. Most of the bedrooms are positioned here. His being the one at the farthermost back.

"Shall we continue Miss Crow?"


I can't help but be irritated when they address me so formally. But he refuses to call me by my name. Claiming that it is too personal and people would misinterpret his intentions.

Laurent is exceedingly uptight.

I haven't seen him smile once. Not sincerely.

He even walks like he has a stick up his ass. His posture is impeccable though. His blond hair is perfectly smoothened back and his outfit is in pristine condition. As if it is protected by some sort of witchcraft.

The only thing making him appear more human are his eyes. He has two different colored eyes. One is hazel green while the other is icy blue. It can be very intimidating especially when he directs his gaze at you.

We have now almost reached the end of the right wing and my room still isn't in view. I keep peeking at Laurent to see when he's going to stop and show me my chambers but he never does.

Until we actually reach the end of the wing.

"I don't want to interrupt your tour but where will I stay? You've shown me my sibling's rooms but not mine."

A short but visible emotion flashes before his eyes. It's amusement. He seems to enjoy whatever it is that he is thinking about. 

"It's right this way."

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