Chapter 5 | A life for a life

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"Would you like some more tea, miss?"

Zale dismisses the woman politely while I keep staring at the cruel king. We haven't spoken or interacted in two weeks. He has managed to slip past me every single day. That was until today.

He arranged for us all to have breakfast outside. It's nice outside was his excuse but I obviously didn't buy it. It's clear that the king absolutely hates the warm weather and I know it's pretty cold in Aeden so his lie didn't fly past me.

The table is beautifully set with all kinds of delicious pastries. The steam is circling the teapot. The maids are running around, which seems to be the norm here, they're tripping over themselves to serve us.

Kenna is one of them. She is serving tea to Corvina. I don't miss the subtle wink Cor gave Kenna. She seats herself close to me. As my lady's maid, it is unusual for her to serve the others but she wanted to do it, so of course, I allowed her.

My eyes dart over to the gorgeous blue lake. Raven's Keep is most definitely the prettiest and most elegant castle I have ever seen. Not that I have seen many.

The lake is blue-greenish, the flowers floating on top of it and the reflection of the sunlight on the lake is overwhelming.

The king is sitting in front of me, conversing with Laurent.

He doesn't look at me, not even once. For some reason that bothers me. I came here with a plan, a goal. And he is making it all very difficult.

Z, Cor, and I came up with a strategy. Since the ball will take place in about two weeks, we should have enough time to achieve our goal.

We need to get the Mount Guard here. They'll unarm the Royal Guard which will give us more time. The plan is to kill the king during the ball. If his guards are unarmed and presumably unconscious, they can't come to protect him or even avenge him.

That way we'll do our job and slip away without getting caught. The plan will work, there's no way it'll fail.

"If looks could kill, I'd almost drop dead."

The cold and raspy voice of the king brings me back to reality.

"Almost? I should try harder then."

He chuckles ever so slightly while raising the cup of tea to his perfectly voluptuous red lips. I wonder how-

No! And Voluptuous? Dear God, I'm losing it.

"How are you doing Crow? It's been a while since we last spoke."

His eyes sweep over my body and halt at my crossed legs.

"I'm doing very well thank you. What about you? You seem tense." My lips curl into a soft smile while I gently shrug my shoulders.

He understands what I mean, the glistening in his eyes tells me so.

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