Chapter 39 | Obsession

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Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon.
Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon.
Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon.
Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon. Fallon.

"You can hardly call this an obsession"

"Opinions vary, sir."

"Do they now?" I ask.

He lowers his head while contemplating an answer. Presumably, an answer that can save his life.

"No, sir. You're right."

"Of course, I am."

I don't bother looking up at him when I dismiss him. However, I can see the glistening beams of sweat on his forehead from a mile away.

My cigar is burning and the smell of the burning tobacco fills the empty, lifeless room. The aroma is strong but not as strong as the burning sensation in my lungs when I inhale the smoke.

Writing her name down calms me. It reminds me that's she's still real and that she'll be with me soon.

I have a painting of her. But it's not successful in capturing her beauty. Nothing is. I have had many paintings commissioned, all by different artists and yet they all managed to fail.

I made sure that would be the last time they failed someone.

I'm nursing a whiskey bottle in my hand but it's almost empty, like everything else in this deserted place.

"I need a refill," I announce before he walks out the door.

"Of course, sir."

"Let's make it exciting. Bring it to me in under ten seconds and you get to keep your life."

His eyes widen and he instantly starts rushing towards the alcohol cabinet. I continue writing down my love's name as I hear him run across the room.

"Here you go, sir." He pants.

"Five seconds. Impressive." I say as I take the bottle and flick the cap off. The drink burns my throat while the cigar burns my lungs. It's the only way I can stay level-headed without her.

"What a shame," I mumble before grabbing my gun and shooting the fellow. "You seemed quite alright."

I go back to daydreaming about her. It's all I ever do. Well besides attacking random cities to get her attention that is. But since she's been with that man, she never shows up. First, her guard that did but they also dont.

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