Chapter 51 | The Harbor

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There's a noisy ticking sound. A clock or possibly a timer. It's been bothering me for a while now.

Sani ignores it. That child is strange. He's very unbothered. He's been my sole focus the last few days. Keeping myself worried about and for him, makes it easier for me.

"Are you sure you don't want more?" He asks for the millionth time. He's sitting cross-legged in front of me with all the cheese placed on his lap or between his legs. He only needs a tail to be a perfect mouse.

"Very sure, mousey."

"Stop calling me that," he complains.

"You've been eating nothing but cheese for the last four days. You can't blame me."

"I can and I will."

I roll my eyes at his attitude but smile a little. However annoying he may be, he's also time-consuming. Frankly, that's all I need at the moment. A good distraction.

"Oh, finally!" I exclaim when the ticking stops. Sani looks at me weirdly since he was completely unbothered by the sound.

"Get up, sweetheart," Deimos abruptly says while unlocking our door. I can hear the keys rattle against the metal of the door. It's as nerve-racking as it's exciting. Exciting because it means that I'm finally getting out of here.

Sani may pretend to be fearless but he still hides a little behind me when Deimos enters the room. He jumps to my side, clutching onto my arm

"Why? Where are we going to?" I can't help but ask when I see that dress hanging over his arm. It's an extravagant-looking gown, red with all kinds of lace details. It appears to be satin, form-fitting but still very flowy.

"To your other birthday gifts." He replies with a smile.

"My birthday is already over,"

"Stop being so ungrateful and just get up,"

He extends his hand for me to take and surprisingly I do take his hand. He takes this chance to tug me close, planting a harsh kiss on my lips.

"Was that necessary?" I spit with disgust lacing my voice.

"I haven't seen you in four days. So yes it was."

He wraps his arm around my waist yanking me into a very unwanted and unwelcome hug. Deimos smells like death. I don't mean it poetically. He literally always smells like blood and just basically death.

Raze on the other hand doesn't. He smells like trees, nature, soap from the baths he constantly takes. Sometimes he smells like paint or lead because he loves to paint and sketch so much. I've seen one of his paintings once. It wasn't easy because he hides them.

He's embarrassed when it comes to his art. Even though they're all incredible. The painting I had seen was one of the view outside from his room. This was one week before our wedding. After I came to the stupid realization that I loved this man.

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