Chapter 38 | Guests

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"I do not consent to this."

Laurent looks at me like I've grown a second head. He shouldn't be surprised. He knows I hate pretending and the only time I faked affection for the king on the castle grounds was during the ball.

We all know how that one ended.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not marrying him."

"Yeah, hi. I'm him and what the fuck Laurent? We were still discussing this."

"You were what?" I say while I twist my head towards him.

Arc jumps out of his lap and onto mine, perhaps sensing my irritation and my oncoming headache. He's climbing up towards my neck and it does manage to calm me down. Stroking his soft fur does wonders.

"I wasn't planning on going through with it. Laurent was only suggesting it."

"Instructing it." Laurent corrects

"And I'm canceling it. This is not going to happen."

I glance across the table and I'm met with a few confused looks. Kaan, Caen, and Madam Eira especially.

"Fal," Raze whispers.

"Don't Fal me. Who are we kidding? Everyone knows." I look back at the table and let it all out.

"I don't love Raze. And Raze does not love me. We are not getting married. And that's final."

As I start walking away with Arc in my arm, I don't see the kind of reaction I would've expected from them.

They don't seem surprised but rather pleased. As if I just said something funny.

Madam Eira is just smiling. I thought she was our biggest supporter! The same with Mera.

Raze's hand circles around my wrist to stop me from walking away. "We need to talk. Now."

"I don't need to do anything. Really, Raze? You were talking about it behind my back?"

"If you'd listen to me-"

"Okay." I breathe. Raze seems startled by my sudden easy-going reaction but he doesn't say anything about it.

I stroll towards Sorin and his eyes widen, "oh, no. No, please not-"

"You're the only he knows besides us. Please?"

Yesterday Arc stayed in the room and presumably slept all day so he wasn't truly alone. But right now he's fully awake, I can't leave him but I also can't take him with me while I talk and possibly fight with Raze.

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