Chapter 13 | Manacles

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"We need to what?!"

"You heard that right. We need to stay here for another night."

"I'm not staying with him again. I'll need another room."

Raze laughs when I point at him. "And here I thought we were making some progress."

His face turns serious again, he gets up from his side of the table and approaches me. "Would you like to stroll with me through the garden?" He implores while extending his hand out for me to take.

"I wouldn't. But I don't think I have much of a choice."

"Indeed." He smirks.

I stand up without taking his hand. This whole thing is creating a weird dynamic between us. I can't be vulnerable with him while also wanting to kill him. I know I said it wouldn't matter what he knew or what I said because he'd die anyway but that way of thinking is getting me in trouble.

I'm becoming way too comfortable around him and one should never be comfortable around their literal enemy. It's literally the first and most basic rule.

Raze and I walk side by side until we reach the garden.

The trees are huge and exceptionally green. The colorful scenery is the polar opposite of The Ridge. The trees there are always dark green almost brownish. The sun is shining through the trees and I relish the feeling. Trying to take in the sensation, hoping it won't ever leave.

"Why are we here?" I ask Raze while whirling my head to the side to face him.

"Is it not possible that I just wanted to be alone with you?"

His eyes are full of tenderness and somehow he appears sweeter today, kinder. Almost as if a small layer of him has been peeled off. Like an onion, I smile to myself at the joke.

"I don't think so."

"You're right, I don't need to be alone with you to do what I like." He has a naughty smile on his face and his eyes shine with mischief.

"I need to tell you something, it's quite important. I fear you may not take this well and I definitely can't tell you this next to that unstable brother of yours."

"He's fine, it's the rest of you who just don't understand him."

"Of course, you would say that."

I can't help but smile at him even though I'm worried. What can he say to me that I don't already know? Finally the entire truth? The truth that Laurent has been hiding? If so, I'm interested.

"Okay, go on then."

Raze gestures to an old-looking bench somewhere further along in the garden. The bench is in the shadows, away from the bright sun, I suppose Raze would enjoy that. He likes to hide away from things, especially the truth, he'd much rather sit in the shadows than be fully truthful. 

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