Chapter 1 | The bastard

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I never thought I'd end up here. A murderer trying to clean the blood off her clothes in the Cursed River.

Let me rephrase that, I never thought I'd have to hide while cleaning my bloody clothes. Being a murderer is nothing new to me, I've been one my entire life.

I killed my mother coming into this world for fuck sake! So, no you can't beat me at the murder game.

Now I know you're probably wondering why I killed a random man trying to cross the river. Trust me, I have good reasons.

First of all, there's a curfew, you can't leave your house after midnight. If I hadn't killed him maybe he would kill me or someone else. Second of all, I am in a bad mood. And my bad moods are a well known pain in the ass.

My father has been trying to arrange a marriage for me. I know it wasn't his idea, it was that bitch calling herself Davina's idea. Otherwise known as my charming mother. Not really my mother but she did raise me, I can't call her my stepmom.

She has despised me since the day I was born. I can't blame her, I feel the same way. I never asked to be born, you know? Had my father kept his dick in his pants, I would've been happily strolling through the depths of hell.

But he didn't and like any other poor child, I need to suffer the consequences of my father and quite frankly mother's irresponsible actions. He was married to Davina when he decided to do the devil's tango with my mom. It's only natural that Davina loathes me. Not to forget that she was also pregnant at the time.

Naturally, another reason for me killing this man was so that he couldn't marry me. Yes, my lords and ladies, I killed the man my father promised me to. Because how dare he? I get to decide who I want to marry if I want to marry at all.

Oh, and the last and probably most significant reason for killing this pathetic excuse of a human being is that he was trying to cross the river to get to a woman. A woman who was clutching her ripped dress to her chest and was undoubtedly shouting and sprinting away from him.

I am by no means a hero since I was already plotting on killing this man. It just gave me more motivation to do it quicker- and definitely more painful than necessary.

My poor betrothed died before he could satisfy himself. I guess the birds -and God knows what other kinds of creatures there are lurking in the bushes- will enjoy dining on his blue balls. That's the first thing I cut off and threw into the river before I continued.

He cried out like a baby begging for their mom. But from experience, I know they never come and as always I was right. He died alone before anyone could come to his rescue. A simple cut across his throat sufficed.

That leaves me scrubbing my dagger and boots in the water of the Cursed River. I know Corvina would destroy me if she saw me doing this. She'd scream and lecture me about how this would curse my entire life and existence. But how can you curse someone that is already cursed? Not to be dramatic but things can't get worse than this.

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