25) Invitations and Decisions

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Kritika's photo above!!!!!
Played by Shivjyoti Rajput ;)

"Don't forget my promise, Kaira. I fully intend to fulfill it" he said in a menacingly low voice, winked at me and then did something unexpected.

He gave me a quick peck on my lips.

My eyes widen in surprise and I was about to retaliate but by then he turned on his heels and left.

What the actual fuck?!

Kaira's POV:

I was having the life of my dreams. Which included working with five constant headaches, a great mentor in form of Kabir, food whenever you want and travel across many places.

But one thing that I always miss is a proper sleep. I wake up to work calls or the monkeys jumping on my bed because apparently they are hungry.

Right now is the same situation. Rather than waking upto birds chirping and a ray of sun passing through the gap between the closed curtains, I wake up with my mom's ringtone blaring my ears, sun flashing in my eyes and my hair a bird nest.

"What mom?" I asked.

"What? Are you sleeping?" she asked.

"Yes Mom, it's just 6 in the morning here" I replied now fully awake.

"Okay leave that. I have some important news for you" she said.

Now, I know my mom. I am single child and her only DNA. She is a complete drama queen and gossiper. She always bitch everything out to me, without taking a glance at the international clock. She doesn't care if her daughter is woken up at 4 in the morning or 12 in the night. It's her news that matter.

Before she could say anything further, a doorbell interrupted.

"Wait a sec, Ma. There's somebody on the door" I said and made a beeline for the door.

I opened it to see a parcel delivery.

"Yes?" I asked the delivery man.

"There's a parcel for Ms. Kaira Singhania from India" he said.

"That's me" I replied.

I signed it out and took the parcel inside. It was a big cardboard box. I opened it to see a beautiful wedding invitation basket.

 I opened it to see a beautiful wedding invitation basket

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I opened it and continued talking to my mom.

"Yes Ma, what were you saying?" I asked.

But what I saw in the invitation box made my eyes widen as saucers.

"Shanaya's getting married" she yelled excitedly while I screamed at the same time "Shanaya's getting married?!"

"How do you know?" she asked me.

"I got the invitation box and I opened it just now" I replied.

"So?" she asked.

"So what?" I asked.

"So are you coming?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked back.

"Oh, I don't know but I think you would second think about your decision when you will read the groom's name" she replied.

I read the groom's name aloud.

"Naman Singh...... Oberoi?" I screamed the last part.

My mom didn't say anything.

"Ma, please tell me she isn't going to be the daughter in law of the Oberoi family, which I left" I said.

"Sorry beta, but I don't lie" my mom said.

"There are more than millions of guys in this whole world and she had to marry to the brother of that son of a bitch?!" I exclaimed.

"Kaira! Language!" mom scolded.

"Sorry mom. It was just out of flow" I apologized.

"So are you coming?" she asked.

"Of course I'll come. My sister's happiness is what matters. And I kind of already met him" I mumbled.

"What? How? Where? When?" She exclaimed.

"Mom, chill. I met him like 2 weeks ago. His wife had an interview with the boys. It was kind of late so we invited them to dinner but I didn't know Kritika's husband is Karan" I explained.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Of course I'm okay. Who's gonna harm me? Remember, I am Kaira Singhania. Nobody can touch me without my permission. Harm is a long journey for that" I blabbered.

"Fine then, book a ticket for this week so that you can attend the functions" she said.

"Yeah, I'll talk to Mr. Osbourne today and ask for a 2-weeks leave" I said. Then we bid goodbyes and I went for my usual duties.

Karan's POV:

Is it possible that you want to take back the words that you said even though they are true? I am feeling so.

I met Kaira after more than 2 years 3 weeks ago. She was more beautiful to be precise. Her hair now reached her mid-back unlike her waist length earlier. She wore black nerdy glasses now which gave her a bossy look. Her almost black hair were a chestnut shade of brown. Instead of her favourite denims and casuals, she wore dresses which revealed her tanned legs. Not that I am complaining.

"Still thinking about her?" a voice brought me out of Kaira's thoughts.

"Hmm" I hummed in agreement without thinking twice.

"I mean.... I don't know what you are talking about" I saw that Kritika and Rohan were standing there.

"Look at him, Kitty, he still sucks at lying" Rohan commented and I simply rolled my eyes and concentrated on the contract I was working on.

"If you love her, why don't you simply accept it?" Kritika or Kitty as we call her asked.

"What kind of a wife you are? Asking your husband to chase another woman!" I playfully scolded her.

"Please. Don't insult me by calling yourself my husband. I am just insisting my very good friend to follow the girl he loves. Just the way I did" she said and hugged Rohan.

Yeah, so Rohan and Kitty have a secret relationship about which only I and my friends know. And I don't mind because they are my friends who would do the same for me.

"Even if I admit that I love her and I want her back, is she going to come back to me? No! So why to waste my time. I already know she is in love with that idiot Kabir. I hired Jay, the private investigator years back. He gave me a photo of them attending a charity gala together. And it was confirmed they love each other when I met them 3 weeks ago. She has moved on and so should I" I heaved a sigh.

"K, I interviewed them that day. I saw them behaving with each other and believe me, they are nothing more than friends" Kitty insisted.

"And even if they are more than friends, act like the Karan Singh Oberoi you are. Sweep her off her feet" Rohan adviced.

"I don't have a chance for that, Rohini" I deadpanned.

"Of course you have. Naman just confirmed that Kaira is coming for their wedding. Alone" Rohan and Kitty smirked at each other when Rohan disclosed these news.

I thought for some seconds and smirked back.

"Let's get to work. I am determined to make Kaira mine again. And I am not gonna let her go even if the God comes to me" I said and clapped my hands once, declaring my final decision with a victorious smirk.

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