12) The Family

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Karan when his friends tease him with Kaira's name....
(In the above picture)


'So, Kaira, meet my family', he says a bit loudly.

Oh my god!! I don't know what my decision will be but he's so dead to do so. I'll kill you Karan Singh Daffar Oberoi for doing this.

Kaira's P.O.V.

What made him think that I was ready to meet his family? I'm not even his girlfriend. I mean, I actually don't know about my feelings towards him....

I don't, right? Or do I?

Whatever! It's a story for another time, as he says every now and then. But I noticed one thing. When he said it loud enough for his family to hear, nobody looked up.

I saw there were 2 two-seater and 1 four-seater sofas. On one of the two-seater, a young girl, approximately of my age and a boy, approximately a little older than me were seated with a MacBook. Guess they were searching something. They seemed like a couple to me.

On the second two-seater, there was an old lady but with beautiful features, sitting with a cute boy of around 13. She seemed like Karan's grandmother.

And on the four-seater, there were three men, two of them as older as my dad and the third looked very similar to the one sitting on the two-seater. Not in features, in age.

Karan cleared his throat, declaring his presence. But nobody looked up. The three men were busy with some documents, the couple were busy on the MacBook and the grandmother seemed to tell the boy something. The boy had book and pen with him. I think she might be helping the boy with his homework.

When nobody looked up, I looked at Karan and stiffled a laugh. I wanted to laugh so hard. His face had a tinch of anger with ample amount of irritation.

This time, he cleared his throat a little more loudly. Nobody seemed to look up. Nobody gave his sound any attention. This time, I couldn't control my laugh and I gave up. I laughed so loudly that the couple looked towards us suddenly and the three men were already shocked.

The grandmother saw us and immediately, she stood from her place and cam towards us, her hands opening in a hug gesture.

'Oho! Karan, you're back? Look at the time. I hope you are not sick', she said so and hugged him. Then she placed her palm on his forehead checking his temperature.

'Dadi, I'm alright. What are you doing?' he asked, flushing with embarrassment.

'It never happened in years that you were out of your office before midnight. And it's still....' she paused, looked at her watch and said '10:25. It's too early---' she was going to continue but her eyes laid upon me. Yeah, she noticed me. She immediately pulled me for a hug.

'And where are your manners, Karan? Won't you introduce us to this beautiful lady in front of us?' she scolded him in a playful manner.

'Of course, dadi', he said so and turned to me 'Kaira, this is my Dadi, Kalyani Singh Oberoi, then she is my sister, Nikita urf Nikki' he pointed towards the couple, and continued ' and that's her fiance, Samar urf Sam'. They both nodded at me, smiling. Nikki even waved her hand at me, which I returned by waving.

Then he continued. ' That's my Dad, Rishabh Singh Oberoi and beside him is my Chachu, Ronit Singh Oberoi. The young man is none other than my brother and son of Chachu, Kashyap Singh Oberoi. Though we look of the same age, he is 3 years older than me.'

I mouthed a Hi at him and he returned the gesture by getting up from his place and gives me a hug.

' Hey, Kaira! It's nice to meet ya', he says, firmly patting me on the back.

The boy sitting on the sofa with Dadi got up and came to Karan with a pout on his face.

' Chachu, won't you introduce me to Natasha?' he asked with a pout on his face.

Natasha!? What the hell?! Who's Natasha?

' I'm not Natasha. My name is Kaira', I said and smiled.

'Oh! But you look like Natasha from Avengers. Ditto', he said.

Karan bent down on his knees and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders.

'Of course, beta. How could forgot you my sweetheart?' he asked and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Then he turned to me and said 'Kaira, this handsome boy in front of you is Rishi, Kashyap bhai's son.'

Then he turned to his family.

' And guys, this is Kaira, my girlfriend' he said and smirked in my direction.

Everyone in the room were shocked. With happiness. They looked so happy. They were shocked excluding Karan and including me. But when did I say I agreed to be his girlfriend? Did he just..... Can he read minds? Because if he can, he will laugh after reading mines.

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