07) The Date

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Kaira's outfit for the first meet

'Yeah man. Now get me the nicest tuxedo anyone can offer. I assume, I have a date to look forward to', I say, standing up proudly and closing the button of my blazer that stuck to my crisp white shirt.
That's the spirit, Karan.

Kaira's POV

Oh God! What have I gotten myself into! He loves me! Shit! Can you believe it? Nobody till date has ever confessed their love the way he just did.

Since I was born, my parents were informed by the priest that their daughter will never have four feelings in her life till true love enters her life. Those four feelings were:
(i) Love
(ii) Jealousy
(iii) Possessiveness
(iv) Fear

I never dated anyone. Till date. When I was of the age when usually girls start dating, i.e. when I was 16, I was busy spending my time with my friends and books. When people get into serious relationship, i.e. at the age of 18, I was busy again, with my friends and books. Just the difference was that at 16, I was in school and at 18, I was in University.

In University, three boys wanted to date me, but two backed out because of Dev and Aakash and third one was never seen after I had a nice "chat" with him.

Right now, I was sitting in the bedroom that has been allotted to me. Somebody knocks on the door. I open the door to see Akshat leaning against the door frame. I open the door wide to let him enter. I realise that all this time he knew that this man who kidnapped me, loves me and he didn't tell me. I immediately pull him by his collar and confront him.

'What the hell's wrong with you, man? You knew everything but you didn't even think to tell me? You idiot, bastard, stupid little mosquito!!!' I shout and swear.

'Woah, woman. Chill. Jesus, you've got some serious confrontation issues! Indian Police should hire you to confront the criminals. They would serve the information in a gold plate in less than two seconds.' he mocked.

I calmed down.

Chill Kaira, chill. Calm down queen, everything's okay. Everything's freaking okay!!!!

He continued, 'There's something for you. Netflix, Amazon fire stick, and yeah Ice cream and some books and five DVDs and a CD Player.'

'Oh yeah! Mr. Lover would have sent it', I said.

'Oooooo! Mr. Lover, huh? Pet names from now ownwards? Nice, nice. Go on like this with this rate and you will be having a fully settled family in a month with kids!', he teased.

I punched him in his shoulder, a little punishment for teasing me.

'Okay. So it's 6 pm now. You have one hour to get ready for the meeting, I'll send the clothing racks in 20-25 minutes. Till then, be a good girl and do me a favour. Watch a nice movie and have your ice cream. Please create no havoc. Please', he requested.

'Whatever!' I retort.

He leaves and just a few seconds later, a man enters and hands me everything I asked Mr. Lover to send me. I switch on the tv, make myself comfortable on my bed and start eating my ice cream which happens to be a Cookies-n-Cream ice cream tub from Baskins n Robbins. Hmmm, Yum.

I start watching To all the boys I have loved before. I'm just half the way to complete the movie when two ladies escort a clothing rack, then leave.... and come back with another one? What the fudgenuts! It's just a meeting and in a duration of five minutes, there are six racks in front of me.

This time, they are different. First rack has different LBDs.
{Little Black Dress}. The second has different types of button-up shirts. The third rack has jeans and the fourth one has a variety of dresses. The fifth and sixth are more like a shelf. Again. I open the mini wardrobe to see denims all over and a note on it. It reads:
In case you choose to dress like your usual self ;)

Woah! Nice one. Mr. Lover knows me too well, I guess. I choose a denim jacket and a denim skirt. Then, from the pile of tops, I choose a ONLY crop top and I shift to another rack.

The last rack has shoes and sandals and heels and all types of footwear. Also, different belts are hanging. I choose a black slim belt to wear on my skirt. Hope so I look like a decent date and not a tonboy who's on a mission to kill anyone, like my usual self at University. Haha! Just joking.

I shower and wash my hair. I blow dry them and start wearing my outfit. I apply cream on my whole body and just a tinch of blush on my cheeks. I hate those girls who go on a date with layers of makeup. I love to be natural. What's wrong with being confident in your natural features? Huh! I am ready and I resume watching my tv when my door opens. This Akshat don't know what manners are, does he?

Eyes glued to the tv screen, I scold him, 'Akshat, man. Have some courtesy to knock on the door!'

'I would have, but the thing is, I'm not Akshat.' a familiar voice replies.

Oh no! He's here! My eyes slowly darts towards the door to see him. There stands Mr. Lover in a suit....... with a mask on his face? Are we going on a masquerade party cum date?

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