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Kaira's P.O.V.
Studying MBA isn't all boring stuff but who says it's interesting? Well, not me atleast. Here I am, sitting in Professor Khurana's boring HR Management class and believe me, it's better to sit in hell than Prof. Khurana's class. Out of boredom, I tear a page from my partner's notebook and make a paper plane out of it. I throw it in an attempt to make it fly but all I manage is to bring another trouble for me. It goes and hits Professor's back.
'Ms. Singhania! Please come here', is all I hear before my steps start their journey towards his table.
'Care to explain yourself Ms. Singhania?'
'Sir.... I mean Professor, I'm so sorry about the plane hitting your back sir. I'm so sorry.... Not' is my reply and whole class erupts into laughter except four people:
(i)My BFF Prachi
(ii) My second BFF Rishika
(iii) My best guy friend Dev and
(iv) Prof. Khurana.... Of Course!

'And why do you feel so, Ms. Singhania?'
'Its because I am a student of MBA not PHYSICS' I stated in a matter-of-fact tone
Then, without saying anything he hands me a small yellow rectangular piece.
'Yellow card? Seriously, Dhruv----'
'Professor works' he cuts me.
'Professor, why the yellow card? I was bored in your class, okay! So I just made a paper plane and I made efforts to make it fly----'
'You mean threw it?'
'Ok fine! I threw it. But it hit your back and it was a mere coincidence. As I said, I'm not a Physics student so I didn't exactly plan that from which angle I should throw so that it doesn't hit you.' is all I say before the class again goes into a laughing session.
He opens his mouth to counter back but the bell rings indicating the class is over. Before he says anything, I run out of the class yelling,' Rishi, don't forget to bring my bag'.
Fun, isn't it?

I run out and I start walking backwards in the corridor that was beginning to get crowded with students before my back gets hit into a wall.... Or a chest made up to be a wall.

Hey guys! Here ends the prologue. First chapter will be released tomorrow. See ya tomorrow!!!😊😊😊😊

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