08) Mr. Lover's day

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Karan's outfit for the date in the above pic


Oh no! He's here! My eyes slowly darts towards the door to see him. There stands Mr. Lover in a suit....... with a mask on his face? Are we going on a masquerade party cum date?

Kaira's POV

There he is. Persian blue suit with a white crisp sticking to his perfectly carved body. God, I've earned myself a beautiful lover. But why is he wearing a mask?

He clears his throat and walks towards me.

'Hey, Kaira! You look beautiful.' he complements.

I stand from my sitting position and ask, 'Why are you wearing a mask? Are we going to a masquerade party? If so, please give me few minutes, I'll go change.'

I say so and start walking towards the racks when he pulls me into him. A gasp leaves my mouth. Shit.

'You have grown more beautiful over these two years. But you know what? God has given you a very funny imagination.' he says.

I examine his face very deeply. I think that I have heard this voice before. Not on the phone today, before that. But damn my daffar mind who can't remember it.

'I want to see your face. Remove your mask', I demand.

'Now now, Kaira. I'll show you my face when the time comes. I have other plans to---' he tries to negotiate but I cut him off.

'No! I want to see your face now. I don't care for your precious plans!' I say so and start removing his mask when his hands circle my wrists to stop me.

'No Kaira!' he demands but I become usual self and start fiddling and try my best to remove the mask. Now I definitely want to see his face.

We get in a kind of headlock when his leg slips and we fall, with him on ground and me on him.

We snear, but before he can process what's going on, I take advantage of this situation to pull his mask off his face.

His face.... I... I'm..... What can I say? A beautifully carved face with best features I've ever seen. Beautiful hazel eyes, chestnut brown hair, clean shaved, a not-too-long-not-too-short nose, and medium sized baby pink lips. God!

'Done staring?' he asks.

Shit. He caught me staring him. I'm such a fool.

'No.' I snap

A smirk grows on his face when realisation hits me what I said.

'I mean... I meant to say that no I wasn't staring.' I corrected.

He was now staring at me and a light chuckle was heard from his side after my correction.

Suddenly the door opened. Akshat enters with Nakshi.

'I heard some rattling! Is everything okay?' he asks suddenly but realises our position when he says, 'Umm... Nakshi I think I left to give you a kiss in the kitchen. Let's go!'
He hurried out and we laughed at his reaction. Then, when the laughter died, we realised we were in a wrong position, so we stood and cleared the crises on our clothes.

'Umm... I think we should leave now. Probably you might be hungry, so shall we?' he asked and broke the silence.

'Yeah sure.' I reply and we start walking.

When we reach a door that would lead us outside the warehouse, he suddenly puts his hands on my eyes, making my vision black.

'Hey! Take your hands off. I can't see', I demand immediately.

'Surprise time. So just follow my instructions for your surprise number 1.', he says.

I follow his walking instructions for just a few minutes after which we come to a halt.

My vision returns to see that we are standing in front of a white Lamborghini Murcielago. Oh my FREAKING God!!!!

'Are we driving this car?' I stupidly ask with a large grin stuck on my face.

'Yes and No', he replies.

'Heh?' I ask in confusion.

'Yes we are going in this car but No we are not driving this. I'm am driving this.' he explains. Nooooooooo!!!! I actually wanted to drive it. But whatever!

'Fine. As long as I get to sit in it, it works for me.' I say.

We get seated in the car and during the whole ride, we maintain an awkward silence. After a ride of almost 22 minutes, we reach in front of a restaurant. A big board is there in the centre of the entrance on the above, it reads Sapphire's. Nice name.

We enter and as soon as we enter, a man completely ready in a suit leads us to a very spacious but deserted table. I assume he might be the manager. I notice there's no one there in the area we are seated. We both take a seat and immediately the manager comes to our table.
Mr. Lover tells him to bring everything that he had asked for in the order he had instructed before. I guess Mr. Lover is a very practical person. But I think to others, he is kind of intimidating and control freak.

After the manager leaves, he turns to me.

'So Kaira, you seemed to ask me many questions on the phone. You can ask me the remaining ones.' he says.

I nod and ask, 'So Mr. Lover, how do you know so much about me?'

'Mr. Lover? Nice pet name.' he tease.

'Oh please! It's not a nickname. I don't know your name. Once Akshat referred to you as Mr.K but I assumed K stands for Kidnapper. But then you confessed everything and nobody has ever told me that they love me, like in the sense you do. So, I... I thought I should call you Mr. Lover.', I explained.

'My name is Karan. Singh. Oberoi', he said each word very clearly.

Wow. A lover with a lovely name. I wanna see where this goes.

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