14) The Decision

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I was looking out of the window and I don't know what came to my mind, I blurted out 'Karan, be my boyfriend. First and last boyfriend' with a small smile on my face. Let's see where this goes!!!!

Karan's POV

Did I hear it right? Did she just ask me to.... Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't believe what she said.

As soon as the words left her mouth, I stopped the car in mid-way. I couldn't believe my ears. I mean... How.... How come it changed her mind suddenly? Wow. Just wow.

I noticed that a car just behind us was shocked as I applied brakes in the middle of the road and immediately pulled his car out of the way and continued his own way.

Kaira noticed my reaction and giggled. I was so shocked that I chuckled out of the blue.

Then I was back to my old self.

'Sorry, couldn't hear you? Please say it a bit louder. And speak, don't murmur' I said with a smirk.

'I said will you be my---' she repeated but stopped immediately when realisation hit her. She continued, 'I won't repeat myself for you, you Idiot!' she huffed and crossed her arms, looking away from her.

'Correction, Miss. Your Idiot' I said, grinning excitingly. I started the car because many cars had went ahead of us, hurling curses and insults on our way.

She was controlling a smile that was itching to come on her beautiful face. Beautiful. It was an understatement. She was literally like an incarnation of Goddess of Beauty.

She had chocolate brown eyes to sink in. Wavy, chestnut brown hair that reached just a little below her shoulders. Her hair were magical. When you look at them, they are black but when you notice them properly, they are pigmented with brown colour. She had perfect curves with washboard abs. Neither curvy nor skinny. She was perfect. Epitome of perfectness.

She clapped her hands together which pulled me out of my world of thoughts.

'Karan, I have the perfect idea. You are dropping me off at my place, right?' she asked. I simply nodded.

'So....' she trailed off smiling and grinning at me. We turned the corner to arrive in her driveway. I noticed even she lived in a bungalow.

Kaira's residence:

Kaira's residence:

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(P.S. Karan's residence below)

 Karan's residence below)

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