23) The Interview

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Winter Soldiers in the above picture, played by One Direction


Kabir: Tomorrow, Interview at 7 with Kritika Arora. Inform the boys.

Kaira: For sure.

I then wrote a note on a sticky note informing the same and stuck it on the fridge.

Then I went to my room, showered and slumbered into a deep, much required sleep.

Kaira's POV:

"So, you're saying this Arora girl-" Tom spoke but was easily cut off by me.

"Kritika" I said.

"Yeah,yeah. So this Kritika is interviewing us in here? In our house?" he asked. I nodded.

"But why?" James asked.

"Because, she said she wanted to interview you and wanted to know your lifestyle" I reasoned out.

"She can google it!" Jerry exclaimed.

"Guys, c'mon, give her a chance. It's just an interview" I said.

"But-" Eddie argued but was cut off by Kabir.

"No buts! After your small "incident" yesterday, Dad was really mad. It took almost everything to convince him to forgive you guys. Today, you guys will behave properly in this interview and be real gentleman to Ms. Arora. Now, be ready, she'll be here any minute" Kabir instructed.

"Man, if she is single, she's off-limits for you guys" Jerry joked to lighten the mood. Everyone burst in laughter. Just then the door-bell rang.

"I'll go fetch the door" I said and moved towards the door.

I opened the door to see a lean girl with brown hair with honey blonde highlights, chestnut brown eyes and a model like body. She was dressed in a white halter-neck top and black skinny jeans with a checked pattern scarf around her hair and a dark green jacket. Her hair were cascading down her shoulders, dripping wet. She was wet, due to rain outside.

"Hi, I'm Kritika Arora, for the interview of Winter Soldiers...." she trailed off.

"Hi Ms. Arora, I'm Kaira, Kaira Singhania, Assistant to Winter Soldiers and their manager Kabir Osbourne. Come on in, I'll lend you some clothes to change" I moved aside to let her in.

"Um, would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"Something warm would help, Ms. Singhania" she requested.

"It's Kaira, please" I said.

"Yeah, Kaira" she repeated.

After I gave her my pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie and a pair of undergarments, she went to my room's bathroom to take a quick shower and change. I made my way to make hot chocolate. I topped it with mini marshmallows. I served them to everyone. Kritika was also seated with them. I took a seat between Tom and Eddie.

"Thank you, Kaira" Kritika thanked.

" Um, so I'll start with introductions, I'm Kritika Arora from Glamour." she introduced herself.

"I'm Kabir Osbourne, Manager to Winter Soldiers" Kabir said.

"I'm Kaira Singhania, Assistant to Winter Soldiers and their Manager, Mr. Kabir Osbourne" I said.

"I'm Tom Cooper, a vocalist in Winter Soldiers and I assure you mi lady, I'm he hottest guy you've ever met" Tom said with a wink. Kritika giggled and the guys snorted.

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