04) The Revelation

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Akshat Nupun by Sagar Dholakia. Handsome!!!!

I turn around to see a man in bodyguard uniform with a broken vase in his hands. Darkness begins overpowering the light. Everyone starts to look like blurring figures. I'm fainting. All I see is my mom's shocked and confused face before I black out.

Kaira's P.O.V.

Waking up after a nice hit in your head is always unpleasurable.
For me atleast.

When I opened my eyes, at first everything appeared as blurred figures. Then, things came to focus and the first thing I saw was the last thing I wanted to see. Akshat. My indirect frenemy (friend+enemy) kidnapper.

'How dare you hit me with my favourite Lavender vase? Do you know it costs a fortune to buy one, you Idiot!' I started spatting my anger.

'Look, right now you are too blinded by your anger. So let's talk after you calm your nerves. Okay?' he tried to negotiate. But again I was being.... Me, of course!

'No way! Tell me, why did you kidnap me? And don't tell me you are not supposed to tell!' I demanded.

And what he said enraged me further,'Your words not mine. But again, I'm not supposed to tell you right now. Right person will tell you the right reason on the right time.' He stated simply and shrugged.

'Fucking hell with your right thing theory,' I sweated and after few moments softened and negotiated,'Akshat, you are my good friend. You don't want to tell me as a friend, don't tell me but atleast for the sake of humanity, tell me. Even you know that I haven't done anything wrong. So why, why the hell I'm being held captive?'

He was about to answer when a girl slurred and started whispering something in his ears, after hearing which he had a smirk on his face and after that both shared a short, sweet kiss.

He cleared his throat and said,' Um.. Kaira, this is Nakshi, my girlfriend.' He turned to Nakshi,' Babes, why don't you take her to the backroom and get her changed? She looks like she need a long, relaxing shower to calm herself, then she can wear whatever she wants from those racks.

She made her way towards me and smiled, which looked more like a smirk to me.

'Babes, just to warn you, she is capable to give you a good run for money. My two men are right now in hospital healing from the injuries she gave him,' he warned. I realised what I had done to those two men following me near football ground.

I stood and turned. She hold me by my hands being handcuffed at the back and led me towards a door. When the door opened, I was shocked to see what the room looked like. My reaction was 'Oh My God', in a good way.

The room had a large queen sized bed, five racks in front of it but a little far from it, a large TV screen on the wall opposite to the bed and there was an arrangement with photo frames. That was the best element of this room. All the frames had my photos. Mine. It was heart touching as well as shocking. Who and how they had my photos? Some I saw were from my Instagram. So I guess they were from there.

Nakshi cleared her throat and opened my handcuffs. She then tilted her head and extended her hand towards the cloth racks indicating I should choose something to wear.

The first rack was full of jeans. Denims. I went ahead and chose a black skin tight lam lam pant. Then the next rack had sundresses. I ignored that rack and moved onto the next one. The third one had formal wear, the one that those lady employees and assistants wear to their 9-to-5 job. I left it too. I was not going to give any interview, right? Then the fourth rack had what I loved to wear. Crop tips and T-shirts. After moving some clothes, I found my perfect top. It was a very short crop top, the one dancers wear. I moved to the fifth rack. It was more like a shelf. It had undergarments, of my size. Heat reached my cheeks as I blushed at the fact that my kidnapper knew so much about me. I didn't know from where Akshat got so much money to buy me so many clothes. Shocking, isn't it? I instantly chose a black sports Nike bra and a pair of undies. Nakshi extended her hand towards a door which wasn't the one from which I entered. I opened the door which I assumed was the bathroom. Dude, Akshat has got some pockets full of money. It was a glass door bathroom with attractive ceramics.

I showered until I felt relaxed. I changed into the clothes that I chose and exited the bathroom. Nakshi was standing near the bed with handcuffs clinging from her right hand, indicating it was their time to be on my hands. I unarguably extended my arms towards my back and walked to her ao she can handcuff me. But she simply took my hands and took to Akshat. I take it she is a lady of few words. I sat on the chair I woke up. Now it was time to talk.

'So if you have so much money, why are you in this business, Akshat?' I asked out of curiosity.

'What money?' he asked without looking up from his phone.

'Oh common! Where did you get all the money to buy all the clothes that were on those racks? You said you kidnapped me because you were in need of money', I stated and shrugged.

Now he looked up from his phone. Finally!

'All those clothes are from your kidnapper. Huh! I don't spend so much money on even Nakshi, so who are you to me? Just a friend. These are from Mr.K'

'Mr.K?' I asked.

'Yeah your kidnapper. He sent all these clothes for you. Jeez, he has some serious money spending issues! He can spend a million before you can even say "Akshat's Sexy"' he said.

What the fudge? My kidnapper was a filthy rich sleaze!

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