06) The Shock

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Nakshi in the above pic played by Hina Khan

Look, Kaira. I don't know what people didn't see in you. But to me, you are everything a guy looks for. I'm crazily in love with you. I don't care for the world. It's not a few days love. I love you since last two years. I don't know if you love me back, but I kidnapped you to convince you that I love you. People die for their love. I won't die for you, because there's nothing in this world that has the power to separate us. I love you, Kaira, I love you, Inside and Out!' he confessed.

I couldn't believe what my ears heard.

Karan's POV

Finally I felt relieved. I felt so happy that I finally confessed my love to my love. Kaira was the most important thing to me after my family. I don't care about the world. I was on the phone. She said nothing. She was quiet. I assume that she is freaking out. Obviously, in last 48 hours, she has fought my men, escaped me once, has been kidnapped and has been alone.

'Hello, Kaira, please say something, it's really frightening, say something' I say.

Complete silence.

'Kaira?' I again ask her to say something. Shit, she's frightening me.

Complete silence again.

'Kaira say something dammit' I command out of anger and regret the very next moment.

'Hey don't call me dammit. I can also swear.' she retorts.

Thank god. She is speaking to me. I thought she would faint or something.

'I served you my feelings in a gold platter, I confessed my love to you, I told you everything that was in my heart for you, I scolded you to reply or say something and all that bothers you is a dammit instead of my I love you?' I ask her. I heard a chuckle on the other side.

God, this girl is going to be my death. I don't regret falling in love with her.

'Listen, all I need is some time, Netflix, Amazon Prime, my Harry Potter books and some Ice cream', she says. Wow. A lady after my own taste.

'Well, no One direction music?' I ask her. I swear her jaw might have dropped on the floor after listening to this.

'How did you know that I love One Direction?' she asks out of curiosity.

'Well, one needs to know everything about the person they love. I'm doing the same, but let's keep it a story for another day. I guess you'll have Cookies-n-Cream for ice cream?' I ask.

'Hey stop telling me what's my favourite, okay?she demands.

'Once what fits into your mind fits forever', I say, annoying her more.

'Oh, so you know everything about me?' she asks.

'Yes', I reply.

'So let me ask you what I like', she challenges. Okay love, game on.

'So, what's my birthday?' she asks

'December the 23rd' I reply.

'Oh my god! Okay, so who's my favourite actor?' she asks again.

'You love to watch Tiger Shroff and Varun Dhawan from Bollywood, and you were in love with Timothee Chalamèt when you were 18', I reply with confidence.

She gasps. See love, how much I love you.

'And actresses?'she asks

'Umm.... I guess you love Shraddha Kapoor and Ananya Panday from Bollywood and Kristen Stewart, Selena Gomez and Emma Watson from Hollywood?' I reply, not sure I remember everyone of them.

'Yeah! God grace, how come you know so much about me?' she asks.

'I said it's a story for another day. Next question please?' I say.

'No. Let's make it a story for another day.' she says.

'Okay. Your wish my command', I say.

'Can we meet?' she asks.

Oh My God. She wants to meet me. What should I say?

'Okay. We go for a date tomorrow night. I'll send you whatever you've asked for. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Cookies-n-Cream ice cream, Your Harry Potter books, some One Direction music and some time.' I say so and smirk.

She utters a hmm and says bye and hangs up on the call.

Butterflies are swarming in my stomach. I can't believe she wants to meet me. I pinch myself and grin like a five year child getting his Christmas gift.

Pull yourself together, Karan. You are the Karan Singh Oberoi.

I call on the landline and call my assistant, Rohan who happens to be my best friend.

He enters my office after a few moments.

'Man, she wants to meet me. Can you believe it, Rohini, she wants to meet me?!' I chime out of excitement.

'Mr. Oberoi, I prefer to be called Rohan since I'm your assistant and you are my employer, not my best friend', he professionally asks.

'Ahh! Shed the professionalism, Rohini! Stop being a Party pooper! Can't you be happy for your best friend for a few moments?' I ask him

'Okay, Kiddo, chill. I'm really happy. Did she initiated?' he asks, suddenly changing from my assistant Rohan to my best friend Rohini. I have two other best friends, Abhi, short for Abhimanyu and Gabbar, short for Gaurav. They don't work in my office. Abhi is an art restorer while Gaurav works for an agency as an economic adviser.

'Yeah man. Now get me the nicest tuxedo anyone can offer. I assume, I have a date to look forward to', I say, standing up proudly and closing the button of my blazer that stuck to my crisp white shirt.
That's the spirit, Karan.

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