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━ THE COOL, AUTUMN BREEZE COULD BE FELT AS ATHENA SAT UNDER A TREE, staring at the Black Lake in front of her. Harry and Ron were currently playing a game of Exploding Snaps just across from her, to which she was playing earlier but had lost so Ron had filled in for her. Hermione was next to her, explaining something.

"-And if you add-" Hermione stopped, noticing Athena wasn't paying attention. "Athena are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, of course I was," Athena answered, her eyes not leaving the lake.

Hermione raised a brow, "Oh really? Then what'd I just say?"

"I said I was listening, not paying attention." The Black explained, to which she earned a hit from the book Hermione was holding, tearing her attention from the lake. "Ouch! That hurt, you violent woman!"

"Well it wouldn't hurt if you were paying attention!" Hermione scoffed, pulling herself together.

"Why're you even looking at the lake? Do you want to go for a swim?" Harry looked at the girl, looking away from the game he was playing with Ron. 

"No- well kinda, but I was thinking..."

"What were you thinking of this time?" Ron asked, curiousity peering within him and the other two.

"Has your rat appeared yet Ron?" Athena asked.


Harry looked at her, a befuddled look on his face. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Well, dad owled me yesterday, asking how I was and all that. Then he asked if I've read the latest Prophet news. Apparently Peter Pettigrew was sighted, in an alleyway."

"What? But isn't he dead?" Hermione questioned as she shut her book, placing it on her lap.

"Well that's what the Ministry said." Harry explained. "Said all they found of him was a finger 'cause he blew himself up."

"How'd he even manage to blow himself up?" Ron looked at the girl.

"Well, Dad said that he was running after the traitor," Athena explained further, "then halfway through he left him because he thought about me. Then he apparated back to the Potter's house."

"My dad thinks he thought Sirius was still running after him, and tried to frame him for murder. But Sirius was already gone and Pettigrew caused an explosion and killed 12 muggles." Harry added.

"Thank Merlin he came back though," Athena sighed. "I don't know what I would've done if he didn't and was in Azkaban instead."

"Wait what's this got to do with my rat?" Ron asked, confused.

Harry and Athena glanced at each other, then to Ron. "Our dads believe that your rat is Peter Pettigrew."

───── ❦ ─────

"I swear, Wood's trying to kill us with these practices." Harry dropped himself on the couch in their common room. They had just finished the last Quidditch practice before the first game of the season, and everyone was currently in the Great Hall having dinner. Athena, Harry and the twins decided to go back to the common room as they were too tired.

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