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They were back at Hogwarts, and guess where Athena was at?


After the situation at the Burrow, it wasn't long until they had to return to school. Athena and Ginny were healed with no struggles, and were alright in no time. However, The adults had been worried on whether they were to send their children back to Hogwarts. The attack surely was not going to stop there, and without the children underneath their watch, they grew anxious.

Though, with a bit of convincing (saying that with Dumbledore there, they'd be safe, as well as Hogwarts being one of the most safest places out there), they were able to go back and finish their school year.

So currently, after having a simple prank land at McGonagall instead of Snape, Athena was given one lunch detention with the Transfiguration professor as soon as they were back from the holidays.

Now, Athena was sitting on her usual spot in the Transfiguration classroom, her head laying on the top of the chair, facing the ceiling as her feet were propped up on the desk. Minnie was simply reading a book, seeing as it was just the beginning of the term.

"Y'know Minnie, I should really stop getting into detentions." Athena voiced out loud, her head still trained on the ceiling above them.

"That's what I've been telling you for the past few years, but you never listened." The professor replied, continuing to read her book.

"I mean, I'm in my sixth year!" The Black ignored what McGonagall had just said. "I really need to get my act together, I might not even get hired in the future if it said I spent half of my time in Hogwarts in detention."

"Speaking of hiring, have you made a choice on what you would want your occupation to be in the future?" McGonagall brought up, now looking at the girl. 

As if her body was slouching even more, Athena pouted. "No. I'm still bummed out on that, but I did manage to decrease my options!"

Closing her book, McGonagall had grabbed a spare piece of parchment, as well as bringing out her ink and quill. "Athena, grab a chair and sit in front of my desk."

Raising an eyebrow, Athena looked at the professor. "Why?"

"Just grab a chair, Black."

Obliging, Athena had followed Minnie's instructions, sitting down in front of her. "Okay.. now what?"

"Name the occupations that you had planned on doing."

"All of them?"

"All of them."

"Alright..." Bringing out her hand, she lifted a finger everytime she had named one. "So, an auror, a Dragonologist, some high-paying and risky job in the muggle world - maybe working with aunt Nat, and- ooh! An Unspeakable!"

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