⁶.²weasley's wizard wheezes

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"So...this Slughorn guy is our new professor?" Athena asked Harry, standing next to him as they walked along the lone and empty streets of Diagon Alley.

"Uhuh, for potions." Harry nodded his head. The two then fell into a soft silence as they continued their steps.

"You know... I'm kinda glad the opening is happening." Athena stated out of the blue. "With the death eaters and all of that shit, everyone really needs a breather. I think that this could be it."

"You're right..." Harry put on a sad smile as he looked at one of the shops, shut down with the windows cracked. "It's sad to think that all this ruckus is happening because of one person."

Athena nodded. "The bridge in muggle London, that was sad. I think a few muggles actually fell into the water." The girl stated sadly, but easily shook the feeling off. "But don't worry, we'll be able to defeat him, right? It was in the prophecy."

"The prophecy stated 'one will die while the other survives.'" The Potter placed his hands in his pocket. "The one to survive could be Voldemort."

Athena rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Shut up. I'm not taking any negative comments from you." Athena smacked upwards behind his head. "Besides, with me by your side, we'll definitely be able to defeat him."

"You know, I still don't understand how I managed to deal with your arrogant and cocky arse."

"You're a Potter. Being cocky and arrogant is in your genes." Athena grinned sweetly. "Have you met your dad? It's probably because you've dealt with him for so long. What I don't understand is how you're not all cocky and shit."

"That's because-"

"Nevermind, you do get like that."

Athena gladly skimmed the shop, running past a few people as she held a few of the twins' products

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Athena gladly skimmed the shop, running past a few people as she held a few of the twins' products. Hermione and Ginny were looking over at the love potions. Harry was looking at the shelves and Ron had currently been rejected for getting a discount (he got told that he needed to pay more). Though the ship was mainly for the entertainment of children and teens, James and Sirius were currently grabbing a bunch of products from shelves, bullying younger children to get to the product they wanted.

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