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━ "SO SHE SAW ALL OF THAT, THE SAME NIGHT LOKI CAME TO EARTH?" Bruce asked, his arms crossed over his chest. Natasha had just explained to the rest of the Avengers - apart from Clint who was under Loki's wing due to being mind controlled - what Sirius had told her, about Athena and what she saw before she fainted.

"Yeah, he said that Remus said it occurred around quarter to 8, which would be nearing 3 am here." Natasha explained. "There was thing golden light that was glowing from her chest -apparently it still is - and there's a burning pain in her chest, but he was able to numb most of the pain."

"Can't we bring her here? So that we can help her?" Bruce asked, his arms folded over his chest.

"I don't know..."

"Well I say we ask Sirius to bring her here. I mean we can at least try to figure out what's going on with her, right?" Tony reasoned.

"No! That would be dangerous! Bringing her on a ship with a god who's likely trying to rule the world, is like working with bombs! Not to mention Fury wouldn't want a kid here." Steve argued, 

"Well she's not a kid anymore. Besides there's also superheroes on this ship so she'd be protected." Tony rolled his eyes, not seeing his poiny

"Ok fine, but Fury still wouldn't-"

"Wait, Nat you said it would've happened around 3 am New York time?" Bruce looked up, interrupting the super soldier's statement.

Natasha nodded slowly. "Why?"

"Well, isn't that the same time the portal opened and Loki went through it?"

"What are you saying?"

"That there's some connection between Loki and Athena. I mean think about it! She receives nightmares about this Loki guy and months later, he comes through the portal looking for war." The subject was easily changed. From talking about bringing Athena on the ship, to the coincidental connection between Tony's niece and Thor's brother.

"Okay that's true, but why would she be connected to my brother?"

"Maybe..." Tony started. "Not Loki... but the Tesseract! The Tesseract is one of the infinity stones, and inside the sceptre is the mind stone. Both of those were present when Loki came through the portal. She also had dreams about the six stones, right?"

"That's true... But that still doesn't answer why or how she's connected to them."

"I guess we'll find out. I'm going to call Sirius and ask him if we could bring her here."

"Stark no! Like I said she's just a kid-"

"Not anymore Steve." Tony looked the man in the eye. "As much as I would hate to admit it, she's grown up now. Don't forget she also grew up with us, meaning she's smart and knows how to defend herself. Besides, we would be able to help her while looking for the stones. If any danger occurs she'd be on the first jet back home."

"What about Fury? We can't just bring her here without him knowing."

"Oh I've got an idea." Tony smirks, leaving the room.

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