².¹great flour fight of '92

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Sirius immediately ran downstairs, alerting him in case there was some sort of danger present. "What? What happened-"

Lucky for him, they were completely safe. But Sirius wasn't. Not so long after that, Sirius was running away from the girls, who seemed to be trying to cover him in flour as well. "Get him M!" Athena yelled with a hand full of flour ready to launch at her dad.

"Not the hair!" Sirius yelled, trying to protect his hair from the powdery mess going on. But that didn't do anything since the two girls had managed to cover his hair and face with flour. "Oh, you girls are getting it!"

"Hey Pads have you got any-" James apparated in the kitchen, only for his face to be met with flour. James took his glasses off, spitting out the flour that had gone into his mouth. He looked at the person in front of him, who was none other than his best friend.

"Uh oh.." Hermione told her friend, watching the scene unfold in front of them.

"Uh oh indeed," Athena replied. James then conjured a bunch of flour, making it land on Sirius. Athena and Hermione quickly ran out of the kitchen, making their way to the backyard, hoping that James didn't see them leave.

"Oh no, you don't!" James ran after the two girls, flour coming from the tip of his wand as the backyard was now covered in flour.

Sirius came back out to follow them, more flour in his hands. "No wands Prongs!"

And so, the Great Flour War of 1992 had occurred. The whole Black residence was covered wall to the ground in flour. The four people fighting in it could be classified as ghosts as they were completely covered in flour.

───── ❦ ─────

"Athena! Put all of that away before somebody sees you!" Hermione warned her friend, eyes glancing at the multiple items in the girl's trunk.

"Don't worry 'Mione. It's just one of the many things I took from my dad. Can't believe he still kept all of these things." Athena looked at the items in front of her. Athena had taken a few pranking materials that Sirius and James had used back when they were at Hogwarts, and decided to put them into good use seeing as the two adults were both no longer Hogwarts students.

"Still! You can bring it out at Hogwarts." Hermione reminded her. "For now, keep it in your trunk."

"Fine." She stood up from the ground, locking her trunk as she put the trunk back up. "Wouldn't it make more sense if I didn't bring it out in Hogwarts? It's not like the trolley lady is gonna take my materials away."

"But then if you don't bring it out at school, what's the point in bringing it?" A familiar voice spoke. Athena already knew who the person was as there was only one – well two – who would call her that. "Need some help, Nana?"

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