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Athena was currently waiting in the Gryffindor Common Room for Harry to return.

It'd been a few days since all of that drama had occurred, and Athena and Harry were back on good terms, I think. Athena had apologised for acting too harshly to the boy, and Harry had done the same, his reason being for not listening to them when they first told him to get rid of the book.

That was also the same day that Harry had used his liquid luck, successfully managing to get the memory from Slughorn. Now, the boy had gone off somewhere with Dumbledore, and she didn't really care. She only cared for the fact that they aren't dead.

It was a really simple night. Your usual moon gleaming, owls hooting in the distance and the silence spreading across the room as it was already past curfew. Having a simple sketchpad that she had somehow packed, Athena was drawing. She sucked. Absolute trash at it. But that didn't stop her.

Not caring that her drawing was not the best, Athena hummed a small tune. Normally the girl wouldn't be doing such a thing, but she was trying to distract herself. Her stomach kept on turning, feeling as if something bad was about to happen. She couldn't really run off to a teacher and warn them seeing as she wasn't a seer, or because of the fact that it was based on a bad feeling. So ignoring the feeling, she passed the time by filling her sketchbook with different drawing styles.

It had been around an hour or so already, and there was still no sign of Harry. Deciding that she would go to bed already, Athena had closed her book, standing up as she prepared to head back to her dorm.

But that's when she heard it. A faint crashing, exploding noise in the distance could be heard. The source of this sound? She didn't know. Her plans of heading to her dorm were gone, and being the curious girl she was, she exited the Gryffindor common room.

The bottom of her boots created a small echo as she walked through the hallway, trying to find the source. Heading down multiple stairs, walking through different corridors, Athena honestly couldn't find anything.

However, as she turned left down a corridor, she was met with a group of people with Snape at the front. Cocking an eyebrow in confusion, she then noticed a familiar group of death eaters behind him, as well as a spell heading her way.

Activating her intangibility, the spell had gone straight through her without damage on the girl, earning an enthusiastic but maniacal laugh from a messy haired witch within the group. "Aha! And so her powerful acts remain! Did you manage to recruit her, Dray?"

So that's why he wanted to avoid me... Draco shook his head no bashfully, earning a 'tch' noise. Another spell was shot at her, and even though her power was still activated she moved to the side, dodging it.

"Well seeing as Severus had to kill Dumbledore for you, try to succeed with this task, eh? Grab the girl. She'd be valuable on our side." The girl had a whole bunch of emotions going through her right now. Dumbly's dead? Snape killed him? Grab me? With the last thought, Athena's eyes widened as she watched Greyback launch at her. At the same time, spells were launched at her.

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