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When Harry and Athena made a quick trip to the shops, the two had been ambushed by dementors. Well, it was really just Harry who was attacked, as Athena had been inside, at the toilets. The next thing she knew was that there were two dementors trying to attack Harry. She couldn't do anything as when she came out of the bathroom, Harry had already started to cast the Patronus charm at them. They were in an empty block, meaning no muggles had seen the boy cast magic, but it didn't mean that Harry still did magic out of school. A complex one at that.

Due to her being with Harry at that time on the scene, she had to come with the boy to his trial. It's not that she didn't want to defend her brother, but it was more of the fact that she would have to leave her bed.

So, as she got up, she got dressed in an appropriate attire. She put on a brown skirt, one that stopped mid-thigh, a white oxford shirt - leaving the collar button unbuttoned - then a brown blazer, a lighter shade from her skirt. She eyed her figure, scrunching her nose in discomfort.

"Why're you making that face?" Ginny asked, walking into the room.

"I look so... formal." Athena answered, her eyes still on the outfit, nose scrunched.

"Stop it," Ginny walked in, standing next to the girl. "You look gorgeous Fi. You actually look pretty mature."

"Exactly! I don't like it!" Athena exclaimed, her head now turning towards the younger girl.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "You're just dramatic. Make your hair straight, it suits you. Straight hair looks nice on your length hair."

She then waved her hand around her hair, the magic doing its own thing. Athena eyed herself again, squinting. Her collarbone-length hair was now straightened. "I still look formal. Actually, I think that made me look more formal."

"Whatever. I think you look gorgeous." Ginny made another roll of her eyes. "Anyways hurry up. You're about to leave soon."

Athena nodded, Ginny leaving the room. The girl sighed, grabbing her wristwatch off the dresser as she made her way down the stairs.

───── ❦ ─────

"I really don't like this." Athena whispered to Harry, as she then again pulled the back of her skirt down. They were walking in a crowded area in a muggle train station.

"Stand in front of me," Harry whispered back. Lucky for him, he was taller than her. But as she was wearing muggle heels, she was at the same height as him. "I'll cover for you."

Athena obliged, walking in front of Harry as they kept walking to their destination. Athena had felt uncomfortable as they walked through the station, feeling the eyes of people staring at her, mainly her body. It wasn't hard to figure out she had a stunning figure, but that also meant boys staring at her.

As she walked through the train station behind the others, she could feel eyes dart towards the skin exposed on her legs. She pulled the skirt lower and lower, yet not low enough to ruin the look.

"Uncle Prongs, how far away are we?" Athena asked. Arthur and James were the ones who came with them, Arthur being the one to direct them and James as he is Harry's father.

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