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━ THE FIRST ATHENA HAD SEEN when she looked at her surroundings, was a deserted stretch of the misty moor. She could hear Mister Weasley talk to the other wizard, but she was a bit preoccupied with looking around. There wasn't much, as it was foggy.

"-Site manager's called Mister Roberts." Said the wizard. "Diggory... Second field. Ask for Mister Payne."

"Wait, what about my dad and Uncle Prongs?" Athena asked Arthur, looking up at him. "Are me and Harry going to stay with you for now?"

Mister Weasley nodded. "You guys stay with us for now, then when both your dads arrive and get your tents, you can go to them."

"Alright." Then they set off. They weren't really able to see much due to the fog, but after about twenty minutes had passed, a small stone cottage next to a gate came to view. The Weasleys plus Hermione, Harry and Athena had said goodbye to the Diggory's as they were at a different campsite. There stood a man, who was looking behind him through a gate. Athena could easily tell he was a muggle, seeing as he actually dressed like one - unlike the many wizards they had passed that looked like a lunatic wearing an odd outfit.

Mister Weasley had greeted the muggle. While Arthur was conversing with him, Athena could make out what was beyond the gate. Tents. A whole lot of them. Wizards, witches. Less of them, seeing as the sun was still rising.

"-Alright -certainly! Right- erm-" Mister Weasley exclaimed as the muggle - named Mister Roberts - had asked if they were paying now. "-Athena? Hermione? can one of you help me out with the money?"

Athena nodded, walking towards the red-head father. "Sure."

Mister Weasley pulled out a roll of money, peeling the notes apart. "So this one's a- a- a ten? Ah yes, I see the little numbers now. So this is a five?"

"Twenty, actually." Athena corrected him. Athena felt awkward as she stood there, aware that Mr Roberts was hearing their conversation word by word.

"Sorry..." Arthur apologised. "I don't know these little bits of paper."

"You foreign?" The muggle asked.

"Foreign?" Mister Weasley asked, puzzled.

"You're not the first who's had trouble with money." Said the muggle. "I had two try and pay me with great gold coins the size of hubcaps ten minutes ago."

"Did you really?" Arthur asked, somewhat bewildered, yet nervous at the same time. They couldn't risk exposing the Wizarding World to muggles just because some people were dumb enough to pay in magic currency.

Mister Roberts rummaged around a tin for some change. "Never been this crowded before. Hundreds of pre-bookings. People usually just turn up..."

"Is that right?" Arthur asked nervously, his hand out for his change but the muggle never gave it to him.

"Aye. People from all over. Loads of foreigners. Weirdoes, you know? There's a bloke walking around in a kilt and a poncho."

At this, Athena snickered mentally. She knew wizards and witches could be daft sometimes, but this daft? If they wanted to know what muggles wore, they could've just gone to a muggle mall and bought some stuff there. Perhaps buy the clothing.

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