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━ OVER THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF THEIR THIRD-YEAR AT HOGWARTS, Athena had stayed a lot of time in the library. She had gotten tired of sneaking into it at night, and eventually just wasn't bothered to sneak in anymore. So she decided to just ask Madam Pince if she was allowed in. She begged really, but after that wasn't working either, she had gone to McGonagall and explained her situation - with the stones - and she had obliged. McGonagall had given her a note to show the librarian, allowing her permission in the restricted section.

She would hold a big book - About The Big Bang's Six Infinity Stones by Taneleer Tivan - and read it on her spare time. She would jot down a few points down on her black diary, mainly writing it's powers. The book was mainly about the stone's origin, but some of the stones (that the writer had been able to have in his grasp - even if it was for a short while) had a few more detailed information, like the Reality Stone and the Power Stone. The other stones, not so much, as the author of the book hadn't gotten in contact with it.

She wasn't allowed to take the book with her over the summer break, so she had gone to the book stores in Diagon Alley, but to no avail, there were none. Maybe in Knockturn Alley, but she wasn't allowed to go to that part of the street. So she had just waited until she was back at Hogwarts, to find another book as there were a few more. She had collected a few books of the restricted section back at Hogwarts, but she wasn't allowed to take all of them as Madam Pince had only allowed her to borrow one.

But her worries about the Infinity Stones were lifted for a short while, as the Quidditch World Cup was Happening.

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The Quidditch World Cup. Ireland vs Bulgaria. 

Athena and Harry had stayed at the Burrow the night before they leave, as Sirius and James had some errands to deal with before they could go. They'd be joining them sometime in the afternoon.

"I don't get why I have to join you guys with the portkey." Athena mumbled, rubbing her closed eyes as she sat on the table. "I can just tag along later with Bill or Charlie."

"Then that wouldn't be fair to the us 'Thena." Hermione told the girl, as she was already dressed and ready. She then left to go upstairs, to wake up Ron and Harry. Ginny was still in the room, probably getting ready while Bill, Charlie and Percy were asleep.

"Screw fairness! I want sleep!" Athena exclaimed as she slouched on the chair. Just as she was about to go back to sleep on the chair, cold water poured down her face which caused her to jump up. Her eyes shot open, two identical faces grinning at her, one of them holding a cup. "Fred! George!"


"-Sunshine!" The two spoke after the other. But they weren't greeted kindly as Athena started running after the two.

"Get back here!" The dark-haired girl yelled, everybody - but Charlie, Percy and Bill - had started to come down, to see a grumpy Athena running after two laughing twins.

"Fred! George! Athena!" The voice of Molly Weasley yelled loudly, surely waking up everybody in the house. The twins stopped, Athena being able to catch them and tackling them to the floor. The identical red-heads fell face flat to the floor, Athena then lying on both their backs.

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