⁶.⁶a new body

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Everyone knew Athena was one stubborn child. So of course, when Steve saw the girl trailing behind them as they made their way throughout the Tower, he didn't even try to stop her.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve stated, Athena and the twins behind him.

"How about n-once." Tony retorted back, not noticing his niece behind the super soldier.

"Shut it down." The man repeated.


"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce looked at Steve, also not noticing the Black. "She's not in your head?"

"Merlin..." Athena muttered, sighing as she put her fingers to her head as if she was easing a headache. The male Maximoff took notice of this, inching closer to her as he placed a comforting hand to her shoulder. Athena turned her head to look at him, sending him an appreciative smile, to which he returned back.

The three male Avengers continued to bicker back and forth. "We need to do something to get them to stop-" Athena stated, though Pietro was already a step ahead of her.

Within a second, wires had been pulled, stuff clattering to the floor. The power had been shut down. "No, no, go on." He dropped the thick wire. "You were saying?"

Then a bullet shot up through the floor Pietro was standing on, breaking the glass as he fell down.



Two voices yelled out, looking over the glass to see if the man was alright. Bruce and Tony had then taken note of the Black. "Hey what's Athena doing here?" Bruce asked.

Tony just shook his head. "I'm rerouting the upload."

Steve had thrown his shield at Tony, in which he dodged. His Iron Man gauntlet was then on his hand, blasting it at Steve. Wanda had made a move, but Bruce had just wrapped his arm around the girl's neck, muttering something.

Athena was currently freaked out, not knowing what to do or what the hell was happening. Where the bloody hell is Aunt Nat and Uncle Thor?

Letting the power flow through her, she placed her hands in motion, pointing it at the fighting Avengers and Wanda. She lifted the four up, then dropping them back to the floor, leaving them in grunts. "Sorry."

Before any of the four could say something, Thor's figure could be seen coming through. He had gotten on top of the cradle, and with his hammer, he conjured a bunch of lighting and electricity, then pointing it down on the cradle.

He stopped, looking towards the cradle for any sign of movement, and without warning, a body blasted out of the glass confinement-like container. Athena inspected the figure. His body was red, bits of metal (or so she thought) on the different parts of the body. The figure had looked around, inspecting his own body as well. But what caught her attention the most was the yellow, glowing stone on the forehead. "Wait a fuck, is that the-"

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