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━ ATHENA WAS IN THE DADA CLASSROOM, talking to her Uncle Remus.

"But what if these nightmares or dreams or memories I receive while I sleep are telling me something about the future?" Athena asked, biting her nails anxiously as she sat on the middle desk at the front.

Her godfather furrowed his brows, worry lines forming. "What makes you say that?"

"I got a memory of my first time visiting SHIELD base last night, and I held this blue glowing cube. Thor called it the Tessecrack or something?" The girl tried to remember. "But anyways, I held the cube, and I felt like something inside me just unlocked itself."

"But that's from the past? I thought you said it had something to do with the future?"

"No- Well yeah, but then what if me remembering that memory has something to do in the future. Like it was needed to happen. And then there was my first nightmare. It had something to do with this Loki guy, the glowing cube thingy, and some alien creatures attacking New York..." Remus didn't say anything, making Athena continue. "Then the next day after that in Divination, we were doing tea leaves and I got a Club, meaning 'an attack'."

Remus thought deeply. "That could be a possibility, but why and how would you be able to see them?"

"Maybe I'm a seer." The girl joked.

"Well yes sure, if you are a seer then you should know that I would have to kick you out of my office so you can go eat breakfast." Remus retorted, re-arranging some stuff on his desk.

"Well yeah alright." Athena started to walk to the door. "Bye Uncl- er, Professor Moony."

Then she froze, not being able to hear Remus' goodbye.

"The Tesseract has awakened."

Pain shot through her head.

"It is on a little world, a human world. They would wield its power."

Athena gripped her head, dropping down to her knees as immense pain went through her head.

"Athena?" Remus called out, looking at his god daughter. He noticed the girl, clutching her head and on the floor. He quickly ran to her, worried about what was wrong. "Athena- Athena- Hey, what's wrong- Fi look at me-"

"But our ally knows its workings as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force..."

Athena cried out in agony. A stinging pain was filling her mind. Hot tears fell from her eyes, her hands on her now-messy hair.

"...our Chitauri, will follow. The world will be his...the universe, yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?"

Visions of two figures talking to each other, their voices ringing in Athena's head. Her vision was blurred and voices from the outside world was muffled. She could hear Remus' yells, but her mind was in too much pain to say anything.

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