⁷.¹⁵dobby is a free elf

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Bellatrix was furious.

After seeing the weapon in the snatcher's hand, she attacked them, pointing her wands at all of them (the snatchers) before telling them to get out. She then made her way to Narcissa, grabbing the collars of Harry and Ron and telling her to put them in the dungeon.

"What about Athena?" Narcissa asked, pointing towards Athena as the Lestrange had held Hermione by the collar - close to her face.

She turned around to face her sister hastily, then looking to Draco. "Draco, hold her. Get her ready to bring to the Dark Lord. She has teleportation so our enchantments down there won't work on that." Bellatrix then looked at Athena, a psychotic glint in her eye. "Just know, Athena, if you try to escape from your dearest cousins' hold, I'll kill your little mudblood friend over here."

At that, Athena had felt her arms held behind her back tightly, as the boy led her out of the room. The Black sneered, physically trying to get away from Draco's grip. "Stop moving, you twat."

Athena paused at his low whisper, though not giving up as she seethed out some words. She glanced at Hermione - who was now on the floor as the witch was on top of her. "I can't really do that if my best friend is on the fucking floor with a bloody maniac tortuing her."

Draco pulled her wrists back. "She'll only want to torture her more if you show how much you're trying to get to her."

Then the girl came to a halt in her struggles, understanding as she continued walking. She sighed. "And to think you would've been away from this place already."

Draco scoffed a laugh quietly. "I doubt that I'll be able to do that anytime soon."

The boy could feel her body tense even more, though softening at the same time. "Then come with us. Please."

Though she wasn't looking at him, Athena could tell that the boy had her gaze on her. "I can't. Not yet at least."

"I can't leave you in danger here, Dray. Both you and Aunt Cissa."

"Wait until a physical war happens. I have a plan- sort of, but we will leave."

"What happens if you die first? I can't let that happen." Draco didn't say anything in response, continuing to lead the girl away from that room. "Where are you even taking me? What does that psycho bitch mean by getting me ready?"

With no hesitation, Draco answered. "She wants me to tie you up with restraints, so that you won't try to run away. She pretty much wants me to knock you out so that there's no struggle bringing you to him."

Athena raised a brow. "Well, you're not doing that, are you?"

She was right. He wasn't. If he was, he would've knocked her out already with a spell, but no, they were still walking. Then he pointed his wand over to the wall, making a loud blast, then another one to the other side of the wall.

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