⁴.¹¹a date to the ball

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━ IT WAS FIVE IN THE MORNING. Athena walked down the girls dormitory staircase in sports clothing: a black sports short and a Nike windbreaker with a sports bra underneath. She was going to run a few laps near the Black Lake, as her usual spot was off limits.

The dull sound of her running shoes collided with the marble tiles entered her ears, as the cool air in the hallways swarmed her. Then as she had exited the school, her face was instantly met with the morning zephyr.

She ran to the lake, stretched her limbs and muscles for a bit, and began her run. She liked the feeling of running in the morning. It was refreshing. The collision of cool, morning air with the droplets of sweat that raced down her forehead appeared cold. The way the grass dew contacted her shoes. The sound of trees dancing to the wind, and the sound of water greeting the edges of lake due to the breeze.

The presence of another person had entered her space. She turned her head back to see a muscular physique behind her. She turned around, noticing that Viktor Krum had caught up to her. "I didn't know you run." She started, feet slowing down to move at the same pace as the male.

"I normally start running around half-past six, but it seems that many girls are awake at that time as they would start running after me." He explained, his thick Bulgarian accent sounding through.

The girl chuckled. "That would explain it. I start running around quarter-past five, then leave around quarter-past six."

"Now I would do that, but the thought of waking up that early is too tiresome."

"Would you like me to give you an alarm clock?" She chuckled him, his brows furrowing.

"What is an alarm clock?" He asked, not faltering in his steps.

"It's a muggle item, it helps you wake up on time." Athena explained, the girl keeping up with her own pace.

"How exactly does it help?"

"I can lend you one and you'll know." She grinned, the two still at the same pace.

"Alright. Is that what you use to help you wake up?"

"Bloody hell, no." She shook her head. "If I had one in my room, the girls would throw the poor thing out the window."

"Is it that bad?" He asked.

"Eh... They're just dramatic."

He nodded. The two ran at the same pace, Athena running a bit faster than him at some times. Time had eventually passed and the two had stopped, departing back to their rooms to clean themselves up.

"Also," Viktor stopped her, "Has anyone asked your friend - the brown haired girl always with the book - to the ball yet?"

Knowing what he was thinking off, she pulled a smirk on her face. "Are you trying to ask her to the Yule Ball?"

Knowing that she's caught up with his plan, he diverted his eyes to a different direction, embarrassed. "Er- yes. I was wondering if someone had already asked her out... If no one has then I would gladly do it."

Laughing slightly, she shook her head. "No. No one's asked her yet."

Hearing her words, a smile grew on his face. "Do you know where she would be later tonight?"

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