².²gilderoy lockhart

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━ "HEY, DRAGON BOY. I BET YOU'D MAKE A FANTIASTIC FATHER. ESPECIALLY TO A MANDRAKE." ATHENA TEASED, WHISPERING OVER TO DRACO MALFOY WHO SAT BEHIND HER IN THE GREAT HALL. "I'D SAY YOU HANDLED THAT ONE PRETTY WELL YESTERDAY." Yesterday during Herbology, the platinum-blonde boy had tried to tickle the mandrake seedling, only ending up with the mandrake biting his finger.

"Shove off, Black." The boy rolled his eyes as Athena laughed. As she continued to laugh, two identical red-heads sat on each side of her. 

"Hey Weasleys." Athena looked at the boys, a grin on her face.

"Hey Nana," The twin on her right, Fred, spoke. "So are we still on for the big plan?"

"Of course! Have you mastered the spells?" Athena lowered her voice, making sure nobody had heard her.

"Oh yeah-"

"-It was really easy-"

"-Only took us a few hours-"

"-To master!" The twins spoke after each other, grins on their faces.

"Fantastic!" Athena exclaimed, an excited look on her face.

"We could use the map to travel around the school." The twin on her right, George, spoke, his voice lowered as well.

"Map? What map?" Athena questioned the boys, furrowing a brow.

The two twins looked at each other, smirks on their faces. "We'll show you later. For now, just keep eating and meet us in the common room around half-past eleven, yeah?"

Athena nodded, and the two boys had gotten up and left. "What was that about?" Hermione questioned as she scooted closer to her friend

Athena shook her head and grinned. "Nothing."

Hermione narrowed her eyes but did not say anything. An owl then came flying through the hall, a red-letter in its beak. The owl came crashing down onto the food, Ron picking up the letter that was addressed to him. "Everyone look! Weasley's got himself a howler!"

All eyes had looked towards Ron. Athena looked at the boy next to Harry, who was next to Hermione. Ron visibly gulped, slowly opening the red envelope. "RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND IT IS ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT BACK HOME!" Mrs Weasley's yells were heard throughout the whole hall. Athena looked at Ron, who had a scared expression on his face. The howler then looked at Ginny, Mrs Weasley's voice all calm. "Oh and Ginny dear, congratulations on making it to Gryffindor. Your father and I are very proud." 

Eyes were still on Ron. Athena knew her friend was slowly starting to grow uncomfortable, so she spoke up loudly. "Well go on! Mind your own business people and keep eating!" The young Black yelled, which caused everyone to turn back around and continue what they were doing previously.

───── ❦ ─────

"Do we really have to have him as our teacher?" Athena whined, dropping her head down onto the desk as students sat in the DADA classroom.

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