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Athena whistled a low tune. "Bloody Hell, I forgot about Thanos destroying Titan and stuff... Bummer as well, this place used to look so beautiful."

"You've been here before?" Peter asked, bewildered.

Athena shook her head. "No. I took Astronomy until my sixth year. You'd think that Professor Sinistra would've stopped me from taking the class cause I slept too much in it. We would look at different planets, stars, constellations, anything in space, and study them."

"-Alright. We're here." Tony declared, uncrossing his arms as he began to walk to the station with the metal devices. "I don't think this has its own self-park function. Kid help me out-get your hand inside the steering gimbal..."

As Peter and Tony had tried to steer the ship into a proper landing, Athena and Strange stood in front of them. Strange had placed a shield around them, whilst Athena had used her powers to try and stabilise the ships landing.

"Uh, turn the ship- turn- turn!" Athena voiced, panic in her tone as the part of their vehicle crashed onto one of the standing ruins that remained on the planet. A harsh rumble caused by the separation of the one part of the ship to another alerted the girl, the blue aura intensifying as Athena had tried to keep the ship from collapsing altogether.

"Black, can you hold the ship longer?" Strange asked, eyes darted towards the large window in front of them, seeing that they were close to receiving a tough landing.

"Yeah, but not any longer- I've never used my powers to hold a ship this big before and I'm afraid it's going to wear off soon!" She yelled, using majority of her energy to hold up the ship.

It wasn't long until they all felt the floor rumbling, most likely being the ship making contact against the ruined ground of the planet. Once feeling all the movement stop, Athena had let go, collapsing onto her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

"That was close, are you alright Black?" Strange asked, helping her up then leading her towards the metal pillar - which connected to a part which allowed her to sit there.

"Yeah... Just drained." She answered, leaning her body fully against the pillar.

Strange then proceeded to go to her uncle, helping him stand straight as he seemed to be dizzy. "That was close. I owe you one." Tony stated, patting the man on the arm as he was holding him.

Tony then continued to walk towards Athena, checking to see if the girl was alright.

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up planting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry." Peter stated, hanging from one of his webs upside down.

"I do not want a single pop culture reference out of you from the rest of this trip, you understand that?" Tony warned him, pointing a finger.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming." Peter reasoned.

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