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"Watch your tongue Mean. You need to learn to respect your fiance." Mr. Phiravich said angrily.

A spoon fell on the floor killing the silence. What Mr. Phiravich said shocked Plan to the level that Spoon fell from his hand. He felt like someone just pierced his skin his body with a sharp knife. The most painful part of the body was his heart.

"Are you ok?" Tul was first to ask when he felt like Plan was blanched. Plan tried to act normal as if was not shocked by what Mr. Phiravich said and nodded his head.

"Yes, I am fine. The spoon dropped by mistake. Sorry for the disturbance" Plan apologized as he smiled at Tul. Tul smiled back but he felt Plan was lying. He is a psychiatrist he can tell whether a person is lying or not. Plan was and he was certain about it.

"Mom what is this all about. Early in the morning, you called all of us to see this circus." Mean cursed under his breath whose face he has seen early in the morning to get stuck with the witch.

"Hey, watch out" Mean almost screamed as he felt a sharp pain in his legs. Mook was grinning as she purposely tried to dig a hole on his foot with her heels. "Oh, baby I am sorry I didn't mean to," Mook said smiling like the fairy from some fairyland.

"Oh, can you stop your little romance?  We are here for a serious talk" Mr. Phiravich said.

"Romance? seriously I think you guys need an eye checkup and also please take her for a mental checkup and I will be happy to pay for that." Mean said but stopped when his father glared at him.

"Mook, I have talked to your parents and we are very happy to announce we are all set for the biggest marriage in Thailand. 1 week later it is. All preparation is already started." Leaving three people all the faces were appalled. If Plan was holding the spoon again he was sure it would be the second time he will be embarrassing himself because it would definitely fall again. But it was Mean whose hand give up and fork fall down on the floor and the sentence that came out was "what the fuck."

"Watch out Mean no cursing. We have a kid here." Tul said as he pointed towards Phupha who not giving any shit and busy eating ice cream like there was no tomorrow.

"Ok, I am sorry but dad you guys didn't discuss it with me. You are not talking about buying a new bedsheet and hell we are talking about my marriage. Why I am not included in any of my life decisions." Mean asked his voice was loud than the normal tone he was angry frustrated and maybe a little tensed.

"Mean you guys are engaged for almost one year how much time do you need. Mook was the one your grandmother has selected for you and you told us you are ok with this marriage so I don't think there is no need to delay." Mr. Phiravich said smiling. Mook shyly smiled but Mean scoffed thinking how bad is the girl and how she can't even pretend to be good.

"Anyway, you guy made the decision I know there is no turning back. I am fine with it anyway today or tomorrow this was going to happen." Mean said last sentence barely audible tone. He was not happy but he was already prepared for it a lot of time ago. 

Plan kept listening to the conversation didn't know how to react and what to feel. Neither sadness nor anger. He was just clouded by numbness. He was listening but not able to react to it even he wants to. Is it really that big thing for him that Mean Phiravich is getting married and moreover in a week. He gets the answer, his mind and soul gave the answer to him, Yes it matters, it matters that Mean Phiravich is getting married because he started to like no it's a lie he started to love, Mean Phiravich. He felt it, pain in the heart. Numbness broke and pain and sadness clouded him.

Mrs. Phiravich and Mr. Phiravich one by one stood from their seats and hugged the soon to be a married couple and gave their blessings. Next was Tul who hugged his brother" I hope you are sure about this marriage because marriage is a lifetime commitment." Tul whispered in his brother's ear and pulled from a hug. Mean smiled as he nodded.

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