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Dedicated to: WaniWaim and 4nj4l1

Sorry for last time I have updated the new chapter of this book 3 days ago and many people didn't get the notification. I am sorry about that. The last chapter is named as butterflies if you have not read it please do because this chapter is kind of a continuation of that chapter.

There is a discrepancy between giving up and discerning when you had enough. And somewhere Plan conceded he had enough of failures in life. He kept scorning every encouraging word from Tul or comforting words from Mean. Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also harder to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal pain just enhanced the burden. It is easier to say my tooth is aching than to say my heart is broken. The other attempt to relish success and acceptance came to end in gutter. There's dignity in suffering nobility in pain but failure is a salted wound that burns and burns again.

"This is not the only law college. This is just one among the top five why don't you try for other colleges? Wait let me orchestrate your enrollment forms for there." Mean took out mobile from his pocket but Plan held his hand tightly.

"I don't want to now. I am not ready for any other kind of rejection anymore. I can't do this anymore. I am not befitting for this place." Plan responded as he forcibly smiled at Mean. Mean scoffed lackadaisically as he sat on a nearby bench still concluding what to say to Plan. They all were still in the college campus trying to repose their trembling bodies and hearts vociferously screaming maybe someone did some mistake while checking the paper but that's not the possibility. The papers were taken in form of the Optical Mark Recognition method which got checked by computer so there was no chance of anything wrong. They were quietly sitting and kept staring at other students and their guardians who came with them as moral support. There was a flood of emotions suddenly outpouring the college. Some students and their families were gleefully jumping some were even squealing and wailing with happiness. Some were sad others were even crying to cope up with failure. The other interesting thing to witness was different types of parents for example a group of parents grumbling at their son telling him how incompetent and useless he is for not being able to crack a simple entrance exam and how much he is a blot on their family name. The other types who were encouraging telling their son failures are the opportunity to begin more intelligently and a distinctive batch of parents who silently came checked the result and silently went back, it was difficult to conjecture if the result of their wards was good or bad. They kept sitting there like four idiots and eventually tired of staring and feeling his mouth dry Plan finally spoke.

"I want water." Plan turned to look at Mean. He smiled in return and tousled his hairs and got up and marched to find the nearest convenience store.

"Success is not built on success. It's built on failure. It's built on frustration. Sometimes it's built on catastrophe. This heartbreaking thing which people call failure is an inescapable part of life and a critically important part of any successful life. Never let success get to your head and don't let this failure get to your heart Plan" Tul stated when he felt Plan cool down and become normal again. Even it was physically true but inside a whirlwind of emotions was building in his heart and mind. Plan just nodded but didn't turn to look at Tul just for one reason the embarrassment he felt for demolishing the trust Tul had in him. Plan was about to apologize to Tul when a girl came and sat next to Tul on the bench. She was the same girl they have seen sobbing sitting on the floor hours ago and the most mysterious thing was she was still crying her eyeliner was already smudged and pink lipstick has already left the lips started serving like a blush on cheeks just not very perfectly. A complete mess is the perfect sentence of her grotesquely distended eyes and face.

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