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Dedicated to: TiffanyTiffany143 and Mekare15

NOTE- The character Nial and Dome used in this chapter are used earlier in the chapter named Pain just to make you remember.

6 years later-

Triumph and success never come around to look for you while you wait around. You've got to get up and work at it to make your ambitions come true. If you think you are talented then success and opulence will kiss your feet then you are unequivocally erroneous. Nowadays talent is cheaper and meretricious than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. Plan was talented or not? This question has a gargantuan question mark but Is he hardworking??

The answer to this question will be always yes. A lot of pessimism and deterrents came between him and his final destination but he subjugated all of them and finally accomplished his dreams. The amount and years of laborious work he has done in taciturnity have already started to pay off and his success made the cacophonously enthusiastic noise like a pipe organ. He not only topped his university with flying colors but also got an internship in the biggest law firm. He and Anna both get selected for an internship in Anna's dad's firm. Miguel Desilva himself offered Plan an internship just after the convocation ceremony which Plan gladly accepted or in veracious words dynamically gamboling accepted. After completing his internship he got a permanent job in the same firm which was another joyous day. One after another victory was lying under his feet after all victory has thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan.

This was all about his professional achievements but what accomplishment did he and Mean make together in their clandestine relationship?

Building any relationship is like growing and watering a plant. If you stop watering the plant, it can't keep growing just on the belief that you want it to grow, it'll only grow more if you water it the right amount. Of course, there'd be factors outside your control; some benign like the sunlight, and others malignant like the harsh wind. What you can do is give your best to nurture it, so that the good can nourish it and so that it has enough strength to withstand the turbulent times. Many believe a relationship is about giving fifty-fifty in a relationship but actually, this isn't right. Sometimes it's about giving eighty- twenty too. Because that is love. But what if it's always you who gave give eighty and another one is not even capable of giving twenty. Is it still love?

The question which was commenced to feel like a typhoon inside his heart and brain. The house which Mean said he was buying for both of them turns out to be a fabrication. He lives there solely and Mean comes there sometimes. In beginning, it was true they used to live there together but as time passed by Mrs. Phiravich's unelaborated skepticism about their relationship has forced them to stay alert all the time to prevent themself from serving any corroboration of their secretive relationship to Mrs. Phiravich's antagonistic plate but the most tenebrific drama took place when she found out about the house Mean purchased was not for him and Mook instead Mean and Plan were living their together and Mook was autonomously living alone somewhere. It was the worst situation Mean faced but he tackled everything and quoted their relationship as just friendship. But Mrs. Phiravich was in Brobdingnagian doubt or actually she was positive that Plan is just a sinister who was trying to seduce his son and lure him into an unnatural and unproductive relationship.

According to Mrs. Phiravich, her extramundane maternal eyes can never be wrong and according to her Plan is just a gold-digger taking advantage of his son. She tried her best to break them apart and she succeeds too to some extend. Because now Mean just go there as a guest sometimes once in a week something twice sometimes even once in a month. Their interaction started to get short but Plan always tried to think about it positively because he knew Mean was equally stressed maybe even more than him. Mean has become like a rubber band that was getting stretched by both sides and if the stretch will get more the rubber will break into two, so Plan was always the one who sacrificed and stopped pulling Mean to his side. But for how long? He is a human with sentiments and desires too.

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