Silly bird

469 28 16

"It has been more than seventy-two hours already since we took you in our custody for questioning, Mr. Phiravich, and all you said is that you are the one who killed the victim Plan Rathavit. You are repeating the same statement again and again like a well-trained parrot but what is the context? What is the story behind it? What is your story?" The exhausted middle-aged investigating officer asked the same question the millionth time and only got deafening silence in return. The other man who was sitting in a chair across the table harbored his silence. He keeps staring at nothing in particular, legs continuously bobbing, feet tapping on the floor involuntarily, and one finger combating the other fingers of his own hands, fidgeting in nervousness, not a kind of nervousness of hiding something or some crime like the other offenders did while sitting in that same chair but a distinct kind of nervousness, an unexplained nervousness, an unexplained mess of miscellaneous feelings and guilt. It was like a hallway between a feeling like you will faint and a feeling you will die at any coming moment.

"I killed him" He whispered with enough frequency for the officer to listen. There came the same line for the eternal time by now. The officer seated back resting comfortably on the chair and frustratedly ran his hand on his own face. Most of the time he has tackled cunning and loathsome criminals but this case was on a whole different level. He was strictly ordered by his seniors to not create any problem with the most influential man in the country and now he was unable to understand, how to tackle the affluent business typhoon whom he has always seen in television, magazines, and newspapers, without offending him and protecting his own ass. His unprotected ass, that can be in jeopardy at any moment because of his one inaccurate move, and the powerful family will ruin his career and life. He sighed tiredly and decided to start again.

"You know I have interrogated hundreds of criminals in this room and pulled out confessions from their throats without much effort but just with some manipulative tricks but I know today there is nothing I can pull out of you because legally there is no crime to confess about. There is no case to work on. We are totally able to understand your emotional sediments but are you able to understand the fact that your repeating of this statement is not taking you anywhere? Our investigation is almost about to come to end and most probably it will end with the conclusion of suicide because shreds of evidence and eyewitnesses are pushing the case towards suicide but your one statement is giving the case the wrong direction? It can pull you into something very problematic." The officer asked trying to make his voice full of sympathy and concern.

"I made my final statement already. There is nothing much to say anymore." Mean stamped his voice with a full stop and left no room for any exclamation mark, comma, or question mark as if Mean has already become the judge of his own case and gave himself verdict that he is a killer and needed to be punished, but that's not how the judiciary works. He may be a killer in his own conscience or others' eyes but he was not in the eye of the judiciary and the officer was trying to make him understand that. The officer had enough and there was no point for him to hold the investigation as Mean's lawyer was already there. A girl who was thundering the police station with legal papers, teaching them law and how she was going to ruin their careers if her client is not out in the next few upcoming minutes.

"Ok, then I see no point in speaking to you anymore, your lawyer is already here. Our investigation is over. We didn't find any evidence against you or anything to support your confession. Your lawyer has legal papers supporting that you are emotionally traumatized from witnessing your friend's suicide and that makes you unsuitable for making any statement at this moment. I just want you to sign these papers before going" The officer passed a few papers and pen towards Mean but got an angry glare in return.

"I am not going anywhere, did you not hear what I said earlier? What kind of police officer are you? You are going to leave a murder just like that? You just can't. I killed him did you listen, I murdered him" Mean shouted and it startled the officer finally noticing a shift of emotions in Mean. The person who sat blandly with no expression on his face for more than seventy-two hours without eating a single spoon of food he was offered just drinking water from time to time nervously quavering finally showed some emotion. Even if it was anger and irritation, the officer felt it was his achievement and a single and first step towards triumph. He also knew how anger can be used against emotionally unstable people and he knew he can use this anger for the profit of both of them and end things in a better situation.

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