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Phiravich mansion has different splendor from few days. The grand mansion has enhanced his beauty due to the grand decoration has been done. Fairy tales chandelier, Canopy of colors, silver candelabra, twisted fairy lights, finely decorated with roses, tulip, and ranunculus whole house itself was looking like a new beautiful bride. 

Plan was sitting outside the house in his favorite spot looking at the sunset. Just as the evening hit the whole mansion started to brighten with the lights. 

"Everybody is inside enjoying why are you outside alone?" Man with the doctor's white court and a stethoscope in hands came nearer after parking his car came to the boy sitting alone and looking at the something intensely.

"Nothing just needed some time alone" the boy replied as he kept staring at something with hawkeyes. Soon the man realized the boy was not staring at the sky he was staring at a big tree nearby. The boy was so busy gazing at something that he didn't even turn to look at the man.

"What are you looking at so interestingly?" The man asked as he sat on the nearby bench placing his court and stethoscope on the bench.

"I am looking at that bird there." Plan replied pointing to the bird on a tree. Tul was not able to see what the boy was trying to show him. But getting scolded by Plan that how much he needs to check his eyes with an ophthalmologist he was eventually able to see. Plan was pointing at the nest on the tree. The tree was not very far away from them they were clearly able to listen to the chirping of hatchlings.

"This is beautiful, isn't it? Just keep looking mommy and papa birds will come in five or ten minutes. They usually come back by now. Look there they are here." Plan said in an urgent voice as he saw two birds coming back on the nest. He wants to make sure Tul witness the mesmerizing beauty of the rare birds.

"Wow, they are beautiful. I have never seen this bird before" Tul said as he tried to take a closer look and took out his phone to capture the moment.

"You have never seen them before because they are not native birds of Thailand. They travel every year in the time of extreme cold countries to Asian countries to give birth to their young ones. Male and female together make the nest. They normally prefer other Asian countries but rarely seen in Thailand. These birds are very shy kind of birds. I am watching them for four days. The first time I saw them there was just a nest and saw these two beautiful birds coming to the nest but the next day  I listened to the chirping of hatchlings so I think they came out of the egg 3 days before. Isn't that beautiful." Plan blabbered out all the information and turned to look at Tul who was looking at him in complete shock.

 "Wow, just wow you know a lot about birds. Where did you get to know about all these?" Tul asked amazed to know how knowledgeable person Plan was.

"Since I was a kid I have that habit of doing weird things. This was one of them. I used to collect cuttings about birds from books, magazines, newspapers everywhere. I had pictures and their details of birds pasted in a diary almost thousands of them but now I don't remember where that diary is now but I remember all of their names so I don't need that diary anymore." Plan proudly still looking at nest, the chirping has become silent now and the evening sky was soon going to be the dark sky.

"I have never met a person like you so talented, beautiful loving, and caring" Tul praised Plan as he kept staring at Plan in complete awe. 

"What should I say, my lord, should I say my pleasure to get such praise words from such a noble and high-class superior man." Plan tried to act funny.

"What was that?" Tul asked as he confusingly chuckled.

"Well, I tried to show my acting talent." Plan said he combed his hair with his own hands embarrassed.

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