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"I just fucking don't remember the last time I enjoyed born fire with so many people. Wait I do a bit it was when I was in high school we have gone for a school tour kind of an educational tour but me being me I made full use of the educational tour for my own entertainment. I had my first kiss with an Irish girl who was an exchange student in our school. I also had my first ever sex there. There was the last time I experienced a bonfire." Mean said amazed sitting between so many kids and orphanage staff. It was already night and they decided to stay practically it was Plan who wanted it Mean also loved the idea.

"Mean language. You can't use adult terminology in front of kids. There are kids you can't talk like that" Plan scolded Mean.

"Sorry, it just came out of my mouth I didn't intend to." Mean apologized for his unintended mistake.

"Phi Plan what is sex? "Joe a little six-year boy who been always curious about everything asked

Plan choked a breath. He angrily turned to look at Mean who looked back apologetically.

"Mr. Mean Phiravich kindly use your not so good mouth and explain to the kid. What is SEX ??" Plan looked with eyes like he is going to shoot daggers with his eyes and kill Mean.

"Well, it's that...Well, it's that" Mean blabbered trying to arrange the words and how to explain it to the kid.

"Well, it's that there is a male and a female and they do something and they produce kids." Mean tried hard not to use any vulgar language and say something to the kid just to satisfy the kid with his answer.

"Do something. Do what?? Produce kids. But uncle Ben said angels come and give kids to people who pray to them for kids." Joe asked confused.

"What, seriously you guys still use that cliche answers to explain how babies come. How old fashion." Mean whispered close To Plan's ears.

"Wow. So smart why don't you explain something good to the kids about how babies come" Plan whispered back gritting his teeth.

"Well, no actually I don't know how to explain but I am right and uncle Ben is wrong." Mean replied. He felt like he is trapped in his own answers.

"So where is your kid?? You did what a male and female do for a baby so where is your baby??"Joe asked Plan broke out in a laugh.

"Well...I did but I don't have any. I used something so I don't have any maybe in future" Mean replied awkwardly laughing.

Joe was about to shoot another question when Plan stopped him making him shut when the conversation started getting awkward.

"You are the same Mean Phiravich right this one." Another kid Brazzy came running to Mean with a business magazine in hand showing it to Mean.

Mean smiled as he saw his photo at the top Thai business magazine. "Yes, this is me. I didn't know kids nowadays are interested in business magazines."

"Wow, you look smarter in person than in a magazine. You are so handsome." Brazzy said looking at the magazine and then at Mean comparing both.

"Am I?? Why don't you tell your phi Plan this? I think he doesn't find me handsome enough" Mean said smirking as he looked at Plan who was sitting pissed off.

"Phi Plan needs a opt...optha..." Brazzy stuttered unable to pronounce the complicated word.

"Ophthalmologist Right. I have said the same to him a day earlier but he just never listens. He never listens to me." Mean replied only got hit at the shoulder.

"Stop joking around." Plan angrily wrapped his hands close to his chest.

"Uhmm, stop acting like a baby that was just a joke" Mean said to Plan.

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