Real Identity

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The world may not change if you adopt a child but for the child, their world will change. However motherhood comes to you, it's a miracle or there's never really a perfect time to foster or adopt. Just a lot of opportunities to say yes despite the many reasons you have to say no. We all must have heard or overheard all these platitudinous words or possibly a few or maybe a thousand others to encourage adoption but when it comes to ground level what are the realities of these long listened quotes and adoption that has apparently become an industry nowadays. An elongated and sham list of what and what not can stamp if you are capable and ample for adoption or fitted to become a good parent. If you have immense money and if you have fulfilled their criteria of age and most importantly you are a male and female that is, if you are a heterosexual couple then congratulation you will be considered more eligible and qualified to become best parents in comparison of a gay couple or a single man or women who tried to adopt the same kid. A child needs a complete and normal family. This is the statement they would adhere to and kept parroting. But what the hell this complete and normal mean here? Who are we to conclude or judge if two men together or two women together or a single man and woman can't make a normal loving family to a kid. Does money, certain age, and being a heterosexual couple make you a complete and normal family and most important question good parents?

A child needs a mother who would love, cherish and teach moral values of life. A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. Mother's love is the most unconditional and purest form of love. This is what people say describing what a normal family means. A conventional family including a mother and father. A child needs a mother as one of the parents. I can't agree more on this. Yes, a mother's love is unconditional and nobody can match or take a mother's place in a family but don't we underestimate the father's love and sacrifices he made and the role he played in the family. It's not that fathers work on batteries or they are electrically wired emotionless robots. Not taking the mother's place instead making their own place in the child's life two men together or papa and daddies or two mothers are also capable of making a perfect happy family. Earlier we understand, better it would be. People say being gay is abnormal because they can't reproduce and they are unproductive. Well, then there is a better suggestion let the gays adopt all the kids that straights abandoned after reproducing.

Plan knew neither anatomically nor physically has needed organs for producing his own bundle of joy but in actuality, he never felt the need because he already got it. He didn't give the gift of life to his bundle of joy but deep in his heart, he knows the love he felt is deep and real. As if it had been so for them to have each other and it was like a dream come true. He fell in love with him at first sight. In men love hormone oxytocin is considered less important just playing some small role in moving sperm and other basic roles but for Plan, it was different the love for his bundle of joy just kept getting more and more. Though he didn't give birth to his bundle of joy or he didn't own any right on him through any paperwork but it felt like he has already become a parent. A mother or a father or whatever his bundle of joy would like to consider him. Does he have any medical condition or maybe imbalance or excessive secretion of love hormone?

The short six-year journey was like bedraggled electrocardiographic ups and down for him and his bundle of joy. There were happy, extremely happy, sad, and extremely sad moments but the most beautiful and happiest moment for Plan was when he listened to the word Paa for him from his joy. The word evolved from Paa to Papa and then poppy but the feeling of happiness remains the same. But his happiness was finally coming to end. He saw many kids coming to his orphanage and then leaving either getting adopted or because of their age. At first, it did hurt but then he got used to losing people from his life but this time it was different. It was more painful and more depressing somebody was going to take his bundle of joy from him and he can do nothing because he has no right over it. The world doesn't work on sentiments, it doesn't care how much you love and care it's all about few legal papers. The papers that can change his and his bundle of joy's life either positively or negatively.

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