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The most jutting and contagious disease in our life is the same monotonous sentence we have eternally heard. What will people say? What will society say?

Someone once said that integrity comes from caring about what other people think of you, but I don't think that integrity comes from caring about what other people think about you. I think that integrity comes from you caring about how you affect other people. Worry about your character and not your reputation because your character is who you are, And your reputation is only what people think of you. Care about what people think and you will always be a prisoner. The prisoner of what they want and expect from you. Only if Mean could get it earlier things would have been different in his and Plan's life. Only if he would have stopped caring a little less about his already painstakingly fractured yet forcibly adhered family and intemperate reputation he and Plan would have stopped damaging each other. Only if?

Only if he could have understood and conceded among two of them one who was more shattered and mangled beyond repair and restoration was Plan because he was perniciously alone with no more than Anna and a kid Wish by his side and he was with a big fat family and most importantly a warm and caring big brother and a mischievous nephew and beautiful wife who was more a friend than wife by his side. Plan was abandoned and alone only if he could have realized and taken out his negligent blindfold from his eyes and understood he needed him more than anything and anyone. Only if?

"What the fuck were you even doing there? Exhibiting some shoddy and cheap show to guests? Do you know how everyone was staring at you and that bastard Josh? How dare he started his dirty show at Phiravich's party and embarrass my family. Fucking idiot. What the hell did he even permeate in your desperate mind to act like that in front of so many people? I am sure it must have felt fabulous to give a shameless show to the audiences and embarrass my family in front of so many well-known people" Mean was pissed off investigating the same question again and again but Plan sustained his silence in the car back to his apartment and even in the lift to his floor but Mean mulishly kept asking question after question following Plan who was ignoring him. Plan pressed the passcode of his apartment and entered inside. He was in no mood to tackle Mean and his offensive questions and ruin his own mood. Mook who came with Mean just as a vindicated and good excuse for Mean to escape from his house in the middle of the party and most importantly surveillance eyes of his mother entered the house and conveniently sat on the couch ignoring the high voltage melodrama and opening her incomplete and captivating novel.

"Plan I am fucking asking something? Reply to me what the hell did that scoundrel say that you were all over him? You fucking hugged him in front of everyone? Your bodies were pressing each other like there is no tomorrow." Plan yelped in surprise when Mean forcibly pinned him to the wall glaring at him with flaming rage in his eyes. His thick-witted trial of disentangling himself from the authoritarian grip of Mean just made the other guy angrier. Mean was not thinking with his brain and conscience at the moment instead his blazing jealously has already taken over his mind and mouth which has already lost its filters.

"Do you really want to know what did he say?" Plan eventually dropped his futile effort of getting free from the deadly grip and lightly hit the back of his head on the wall staring at Mean with teary eyes.

"Yes, I want to know what did he say that you become his bitch in seconds." Mean spat ignoring the noxious words he chose.

"You are a coward. Do you think you will be able to hear this?" Plan questioned with no emotions in his preferred words but his teary eyes were sufficient to tell what he was feeling.

"I want to know what did he say that you labeled me as a coward when I am trying everything in my hand to protect our relationship?" Mean asked feeling a little frightened of what Josh said that made Plan look at him so blankly with so much hurt and anger in his eyes.

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