Disentangled Thread

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            Long chapter ahead. Thank you for all the votes and beautiful comments.

"You know I came running here canceling my appointment with a patient," Tul claimed as he came to their usual place where Tul and Plan loved to sit and talk together. Just in front of the place where they can see sunset under the purplish-red sky and a big tree with a nest with a sound hatchings chirping. His voice was urgent and he looked a bit breathless like he came running a marathon.

"They left," Plan said in a solemn voice as he turned to look at Tul finally. He looked like he was on the verge of crying any moment.

"Hey, what happen?" Tul asked as he arranged his coat and stethoscope on the bench as usual. He stroked his back waiting for Plan to say something. He already assumed it was something about Mean and he sighed a jittery breath tired of his brother's attitude of just thinking about himself.

"They flew away. I am so happy after persevering with so many odds of nature rain and storm they made it and they are finally up there in the sky flying on their own." Plan said beaming with teary eyes gazing at the big tree.

"Plan if you are happy then why are you crying?" Tul asked chuckling.

"Because I am happy little birds have finally left their nest. They are free up there in the sky flying on their own learning the lesson of life and in the future making their own nest with their partners. And these tears are happy tears."  Plan said grinning as he turned his eyes from nest to look at Tul.

"Just like you left your nest, your orphanage." Words came out automatically without the control of the voicebox. He bit his inner cheeks hard until he felt his own blood in his mouth.

"In some sense. In an orphanage, you make your own nest alone trying to learn those lessons alone which is the responsibility of parents to teach you. Sometimes you learn the wrong lesson and there is no one to correct it because there are so many children in a big nest created by the orphanage that you are forced to create your own nest and when the time comes when you get used to that broken small nest created by you, You are kicked out of that nest to the outer world without getting lessons how to cope up with problems alone you are going to face in future. So yes it is the same in some sense but not exactly." Plan said as he kept looking at the vacant nest left by the birds. Tul became ponderously silent kept looking at his joined hands unable to understand how to break the awkwardness.

"So how is it going you know all moving out thing. It's almost 2 months of Mean's marriage." Tul finally asked splintering the silence.

"Well, we can say work is in progress. I mean it is not easy when we are sharing a room again. But it is quite on the correct track." Plan said smiling a little but the fake smile soon evaporated.

"Then you shouldn't have agreed to share a room with him again? But I know how my brother is. You gave up with his obstinate act of bringing you back in his room." Tul spoke

"Hmm, I did. It is just too difficult to say no to him." Plan sighed tiredly as he rests his head on the headboard of the wheelchair looking up in the sky.

"Someone is still head over heels in love with my brother" Tul teased Plan just smiled and decided not to lie because Tul will catch his lie anyway.

"How is your Wish doing? Why don't you take me some time to meet him? I mean you are here in the Phiravich mansion for almost a year now. And all I listened about was your orphanage and from few months about Wish but you really never offered me to take there." Tul said more like complained.

"I will take you next time. I promise and we will take Phupha too. He will definitely love it there. There are so many kids of his age. About Wish do you have your laptop right now? We can video call." Plan was all excited even listening about Wish make his heart flustered. Tul took out his laptop from the office bag and passed it to Plan and Plan video called to see the boy who has become the lifeline and treasure to him.

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