I Be Thinking Bout You

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Zendaya P. O. V

It was now history the last class before lunch. 'Dinggg' the bell rang. "Time for lunch", the history teacher said sounding happy to have left. Our history was Ms. Parkers. I on the other hand was not happy because I we learning about American history and I didn't really know anything about it and I needed to know more because I didn't want to fail any quiz. I put my things into my Sponge Bob bag pack. I did say I love sponge bob right. After I was finished putting everything into my bag pack. I swang my bag back over my shoulder and on my to shoulder blades. I looked around in the classroom I was the only one there where was Justin. Yea I'm going to call him Justin because I'm cool with him now. He's usually the last one here . I walked into the hallway. I saw Za. I felt bad for shutting him out and he didn't even do anything. "Za". I called while smiling. "Zendaya" he said. "How are you?" he asked." I'm fine. You "I replied." I'm not really fine" he said." Why? "I asked." Well because you kind of stop talking to me" he said now looking down. "Well um I," I was trying to tell him why." Zendaya just spit it out" he said." I know you're in a gang" I said then walking as fast as I could. "Hi Zendaya, I hope we can still be friends" he asked looking hopefully. "Of course" I told him. "I shouldn't just stop talking to you because you're in gang that doesn't make your personality and dude everyone has a story" I said finishing. "Maybe I could tell you mine one day" he said smiling . When he smiled it reminded me of something I just didn't know what?. "I'm going to the cafeteria now" he said" you wanna come I mean dah you wanna come but do you wanna go with me." Sure" I said. Me and Za were talking while walking I told him about what happened with Raymond and he said if he ever touches me again, well you don't want to know the rest. We were finally in the cafeteria. I saw Justin's and his crew. Well his crew consist of Chaz, Twist, Becky, Ryan and Flore I only didn't know one and I heard when Miss Petes called him bye his last name but no Justin . "Zendaya where you gonna sit." To be honest this would be my first time here because my first lunch was spent in a bathroom. "Zendaya" Za called snapping me out of my trance." Yea sure but I'm going for my food." I was going go to the back of the line until Za saw me heading there and said. "Ok coming throw, important thing her, let's go." Za" I said upset because he just passed everyone else. The lady hand him my food and his. "Don't ever do that again" I told him. "Why? " he asked" wait your turn didn't your mother teach you any manners? "I asked him." Well she died when I was 14." Oh my gosh are all of these guys parents died" I thought I said softly but Za heard what I said and replied." Wait do you know everyone in the gang even the people that don't go to our school. I thought to myself wait there's more. "I only know the people at our school" I told him. "Well yea all our parents are died except Ryan his mom's alive. All our dads are died though." Oh I'm so sorry". It's ok."He said. We finally reached by the table and I was about to sit down until Nerisia sat in the seat. "Um why is she sitting here?" she asked looking at Twist. Justin popped into the room and Nerisia ran and hugged him. "Baby" she said. Justin said" I'm not your baby." I laughed she looked at me and then back at Justin and playfully hit him and said "oh Justy." "Justy worse nickname ever I said to the guys at the table they all laughed. "Oh who do we have here? "Justin said sitting but he wasn't sitting next to me." Hi" I said. "Hi Zendaya" just said smiling. "Um guys can she sit her?". Chaz asked trying to whisper but I heard him. "Chaz she knows" Za said. "How does she know?" Ryan asked looking both angry and confused. "Well she didn't tell me that" Za said. "How do you know?" Twist asked. "Well lets say you should change your hide out the school ain't cutting it." Guys Nerisia coming back" Justin said" no talking about the gang. "We stop talking about the gang and I told them about the teams I wanted to join." So any of you on the basketball team " . Yea" all of them said at the same time." I want to join it." Ok well we don't have a girl team so you have to play with the boys. "Justin said I smiled" I always wanted to."I replied. Nerisia finally made it to the table. Is she still here? "she asked referening to me." Yea" Becky said. "If you got a problem with it then you can leave" Justin said. She shut up and sat down. " Well are any of you on the cheerleading team." The guys laughed at the same time. "What a guy could be on the cheerleading team." I'm the captain of the cheerleading team" Nerisia said" and if Justy ever tried out I so domp him" she said. "Is that a promise? " Justin asked. We all laughed Becky said "real Romeo and Juliet." I laughed. "So are you going to try out." No of course not," she said sounding discussed. "You do look like you can dance you should try out for me." I was whispering to her but Ryan heard." Becky you know you can dance" he told her smiling." Yeah but I have to take care of mom remember? "She said to Ryan then looking down I felt bad for her." Try outs are two days so I can take care of your mom the second day." I told her. "Or Ryan could take care of her?"she said." You know I have to work" Ryan said getting a little louder." WHAT WORK! "Becky said getting extremely loud and hitting the table." Look miss don't you ever scream at me again you hear me. Ryan said being loud too but not as loud as Becky. Becky nodded her head obeying Ryan."You know I'm doing this to help mom. "He finally said. They started arguing. I looked at Justin why was I looking at Justin. I mean he isn't ugly actually he's very cute I think he's the one of the cutest guy here. I don't have a crush on him. I just like his face. I wonder if he has abs. I see he has tattoos. Like dah I wonder how many he has? I won't have tattoos but it kind of look good on him. I started studying his face. His lips are amazing there pump and pink they looked kissable I can't believe I just thought that even though it isn't a lie. He turned his head now looking at me his eyes are beautiful. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Becky said "ok Zendaya." What? "I asked. Thanks for taking care of my mom for me." "It's nothing "I replied." I'm sure you'll make it Becky "Nerisia said. "Um Zendaya not so much." I guess I shouldn't try out since she's doesn't like me and she's the captain" I said to the people at the table ." No try out I'll deal with her "Justin said. I was looking at him now oh my gosh his jawline, wait what the hell I'm I thinking?" Hi Ry,"this girl said. Hi Samantha" Ryan replied. Samantha was wearing a short blue skirt and a blue tank top. She also came with a lot of girls. Four girls exactly. "Hi guys, hey Becky" and then she finally reached me and said. "Who are you?" with the worst attitude in the world. "Um that's what I want to know" another girl said. She was sitting next to Za. "Well she's Zendaya." Oh is she your sister Za. "No" Za said. "You Twist?" a girl ask this one was sitting beside Twist." I ain't got no sister stupid" Twist said and I laughed. "Twisty I know you didn't mean that" she said." I did" he said then getting up. What's wrong with him?"I asked. " He's kind of upset for some reason." I saw the girl run after him. I wander why he's upset? Ok I was now looking at Justin his jawline was to die for, his eyes were hazel his hair was a brownish colour it was almost turning blonde. I wonder how it would look blonde. My thoughts were interrupted when the girl that was with Ryan said" can I talk to you Nerisia? "Sure" Nerisia said.

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