I Know You Love Me

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Justin P. O. V

I'm at my house with Nerisia. I only brought her here to asked her to put Zendaya on her stupid squad.

"Baby" Nerisia said leaning on me. "Nerisia I'm not your baby" I said. "I only called you here to ask you to put Zendaya on your team or squad or whatever."

"Baby why would I do that?" She asked." Why won't you" I asked her.

"Well because she's not cheerleading type. "

" What the fuck is cheerleading type?"I asked her sounding very annoyed.

"Wellll-" she said not even now how to explain it. "Just tell what I have to do. " I told her.

" You know what I want, tell everyone your my boyfriend." She said with a smile on her face.

"Helll no. Choose something else. I told her. "She put her finger on her chin in a thinking position.

" Hi Nerisia how about I f**ck you." "Well ok" she replied.

She's such a hoe.

Next Day

Zendaya P. O. V

"I done been around the world I done kissed a lot of girls" my alarm sang. I hit it then got up. I looked at my phone it was lighting up. I wonder who's texting.

I open the text it was from Becky.

Text Conversation
Becky : Zendaya don't forget the cheerleading try outs.
Zendaya : I won't
Becky : I will text you the information on how to take care of my mother.
Zendaya : Cool I'm going to take a shower.
Becky : You wash your skin. I thought it just smells good like that.
End Of Text Conversation

I laughed at that text the last text.

Then I hurried to the bathroom. Took a shower. Then put on my clothes. I wonder why I'm still trying out.

If Nerisia's the captain and she doesn't like me why should I try. Well Justin did say he would deal with her.

I wonder why I think I can depend on Justin? " Mom "I called." Yes Zendaya. "I walked down the stairs and saw my mom.

She was rushing out of the house."And where are you going? " I asked her." To work baby "she replied with a smile on her face.

" Yeaa your working that's good. "I said." Oh baby I'm not going to home tonight."

"Ok mom and today I have to take care of a friend's mom. "

" Ok baby bye" my mother said. "Bye" I replied.

I turned around and realised. "Mom didn't cook food." I started cook my breakfast.

I made pancakes and sausages and drank orange juice. I looked at my phone "oh my gosh the bus is going to be here in about a minute from now."

'Craa' I ran out in the neck of time. I hoped on the bus and sat in my usual seat.

At School

Justin P. O. V.

I arrived at school early for some reason I didn't feel like coming late.

I was the first one to leave the house today. Yea if your asking I live with the guys that includes Za, Chaz, Ryan, Twist and Alfredo.

I walked into the school building there was Zendaya she looks so sexy.

I was planning on telling her I liked her you know after Twist give me the advice.

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